3d postcard for a gift, made by own hands. Photos of three-dimensional postcards.

3d postcard for a gift, made by own hands. Photos of three-dimensional postcards.

We all remember from our earliest childhoodthe first picture books that our parents showed us. Fairy tales about princesses or forest dwellers struck our imagination, thanks to the effect of three-dimensional volume. Favorite characters seemed to come to life in these pictures and therefore seemed the most real. A reverent awe for these books lives in us from a very young age, perhaps that is why memorable souvenirs that are given for holidays, namely 3D postcards, bring such delight. It is not so often possible to find such postcards on sale, so many manage to make them with their own hands. If you look through the photos of already made similar postcards, you can find many works that are within the power of experienced professionals, but among them there are those that any willing beginner can do. These can be butterflies located on a flower, which spread their delicate wings while the postcard is being opened. There can be bright, delicious cakes, as if accidentally located on the shelves of a pastry shop. Green frogs or a whole garden of all kinds of flowers. On the eve of the New Year, everyone tries to think in advance what trinkets they can please their loved ones with. One of such souvenirs can be a postcard with a three-dimensional effect, which will depict an elegant New Year tree. It is very easy to make it from the photo description below, and you can decorate such a postcard completely to your taste, using the materials that you have at hand that are most suitable for this theme. You can imitate snow with cotton wool or synthetic padding, small foam crumbs will also do. From food supplies, you can use rice and semolina. Any of your finds can be used to decorate such work.3D postcards for the gift, made by own hands. Photos of three-dimensional postcards .. Photo №1A cat on a window looks very beautiful and tasteful. You can give such a postcard to your loved one and thus express how much you are waiting for him, miss him and of course love him.3D postcards for the gift, made by own hands. Photos of three-dimensional postcards .. Photo # 2For this card you will need a white sheet of paperpaper and dark blue cardboard, PVA glue and, of course, a paper knife. After examining the template, redraw it on a white sheet and cut out the necessary details. Then add volume to the resulting picture and fasten it to the base. Such a postcard can also be played up by adding your own decorative elements to it. Stars, a heart or a phrase written by you. Here everything depends on your wild imagination.3D postcards for the gift, made by own hands. Photos of three-dimensional postcards .. Picture №3Try to create these wonderful works yourself, and over time you can complicate the tasks and achieve true mastery in such story cards.

