A postcard with origami figures made by own hands. Postcard is free for a gift.
The world of origami is so diverse that sometimesIt seems that it is simply impossible to learn everything that can be created from ordinary paper. Actually, this task is not facing us at all now. In order to make a postcard with origami elements, you can start from the very basics, but even this will be enough to achieve an excellent result. The big plus is that with the help of this intricate technique, it is possible to create wonderful souvenirs that will cost you completely free. This option is very suitable for children, also because by performing origami figures, they develop spatial concepts, logical thinking, memory and imagination, and what else is needed for the proper development of a child. One of the easiest options for an origami postcard that you can make with your own hands is flowers collected in a bouquet. They are not at all difficult to complete, so such a postcard can be done even by a small child. You will need thick, bright blue paper and colored paper in four colors. Green is required for the stems, and the rest is your choice – Flower buds will be made from them. You also need to prepare the glue. This is how we make a bud. Take colored paper and cut out a square from it. Fold diagonally. We bend the bottom edges of the resulting triangle upward, as shown in the diagram. We do the same with the remaining buds. If your bouquet consists of three flowers, then there should be three buds. Now we make a leaf from green paper, also guided by the diagram provided. We roll the stem itself from green paper into a rectangular shape, folding it several times. When all the parts are ready, glue the buds and leaves to the stems. At the bottom, the stems can also be glued together so that the bouquet does not fall apart.Card base, thick paper or cardboardblue, fold in half. And from the fold side we make two horizontal cuts. We make the first cut at the bottom of the postcard, departing from its edge about 2-3 cm. The length of the cut is about 2 cm. These cuts should cover the two halves of the postcard. We make the next cut 5 cm higher than the previous one, 4 cm wide. Now opens the card, and in the places of the cuts we form a vase into which we insert and fix the bouquet with glue. The postcard for the woman is ready. If desired, you can add your own decorative elements. For a man, a popular option for an origami postcard is a shirt formed from paper, which is decorated using elements such as a tie, bow tie, pocket, buttons or any other design solution you come up with. Photos of how to create such postcards will help you complete this work without much difficulty.
You can choose for almost any holidayorigami figures and ornaments that can decorate a greeting card. It’s easy to make a Christmas tree for the New Year by decorating it with sequins or beads. You can create an unusual Valentine’s card from origami hearts and give it to your lover on Valentine’s Day, and for a children’s party make funny animals the main characters in the plot of the gift card. It all depends only on your imagination, the ability to work carefully and patiently with your hands, and the desire to develop your abilities.