New Year's decor of candles

New Year's decor of candles

To light candles for New Year and Christmas - olda tradition that we continue to support with pleasure today. Lighted candles in the interior create a special atmosphere of romance, enchanting and relaxing. The flickering light of the fire enhances the feeling of the fairy tale and magic of the New Year's Eve. In addition, the candles themselves in candlesticks are an element of the festive decoration of the room. We offer some interesting ideas how to make New Year's decor of candles with our own hands. Flat candles or candles-tablets should be placed in tall glasses or vases filled with water, in which there are already flower heads, buds, green twigs or other gifts of nature. In the water you can throw everything your heart desires - slices of citrus, berries, grains, pebbles, seashells, glitters in a variety of combinations and combinations. New Year's decor of candles with their own hands Instead of water, you can use jelly! For this, you can take the usual gelatin or a ready-made powder for colored fruit jelly. While gelatin is not frozen, throw in the beads, glitter and put candles-tablets. decorative New Year candles with their own hands Decorate large decorative candles with cinnamon sticks! Interesting vases or ceramic pots, small bouquets or wreaths of winter traditional plants - quite standard, but from this no less charming New Year's decor of candles. Decorate a thick candle in a circle smalldecorative candles for birthday cake. Candles can be placed wicks down, and better - vice versa, up. Then you can light not only the main candle, but its surrounding lights! Glass goblets, vases or jars can be pasted with green branches of evergreen trees and bushes. A delicate openwork pattern of emerald shades will fill the room with bizarre shadows of burning candles. A very simple and very fast methoddecorating - take a few tall candles, tie them with a ribbon and put in a vase filled with colored sea salt for a bath. If desired, you can fill up the colored salt in layers to create a pattern. New Year's candlestick And, finally, for lovers of sweaters and scarves - a knitted candlestick, further emphasizing the warm comfort and comfort of your home on the eve of New Year's holidays!

