DIY New Year's gifts using felting technique - master class and instructions
What is so magical about this period?New Year celebrations, what makes us think about the process of preparing gifts, decorating the house and the feeling of the holiday? Of course, the atmosphere and characters that have become so much a part of our lives. A family round table, at which literally everyone gathers to celebrate the desired and important holiday for each family under the countdown from the TV. But, most of all, people love to give gifts. This period is the most wonderful time to develop your qualities and at the same time, to please loved ones. Let's consider the most popular, interesting and unique gift options that are worth paying attention to.
DIY New Year's gifts using felting technique - master class and instructions
The technique and process of felting is a greata way of working with wool that allows the craftsman to use the special qualities of wool and make his own toy or other interesting thing. Most often, felting is used to create various shapes and among the popular items are various animals. A simple master class that will tell about the intricacies of the felting process will not be superfluous for the craftsman and will make a small number of unique, interesting ideas real. Owl using felting A simple owl toy is suitable for different purposes: it can be felted both as a gift and used as a New Year's decoration for your Christmas tree. At the same time, a child can also work on the material, because the entire structure of this technique consists of small and simple shapes! As before, to process any item, you will need your own list of materials, tools:
- Wool for felting (colors to choose from, in our case - black and white)
- Special ball for boning
- Needle for felting process №38 and №40
- Matte coating for felting
- Felt in orange, white and black
If you are working on a craft together witha child, as an initial version of the material, you can use regular balls for felting. They can be bought in regular stores for handicrafts. Such a ball will simplify the work and speed up your work process, but is not required. In addition, you can prepare many different owls, depending on the size and color of the wool. To make the character individual, you need to take different colors of feathers and wool. First of all, we need to make the ball felting with wool, or prepare for rolling the shape. Felting the shape of the product To do this, you need to separate a small strand of wool from the comb tape, which must be fluffed up, and then rolled into a ball on the palm of your hand. It should be borne in mind that you will most likely need more wool than it visually seems to the master. It is not necessary to create a smooth surface of the ball during felting. Let's form an illusion of feathers. After, we form a loop using wire. Then, using scissors and an awl, you need to make the appropriate holes inside the ball and glue the loop into them. In this way, we will form the upper part of the owl. Then, we select paired feathers to design the felted owl. It is necessary to trim the material to make the shape of the product we need. Let's make feathers For a black owl, we form feathers in the shape of triangles. A white owl has white and fluffy feathers. The feathers must be glued. Then, you need to cut out circles for the eyes using felt material. You need to make black and white circles. Also, we will form an orange triangle in the shape of a beak. The size will be directly proportional to the size of the owl. Then, the white circles are attached to the feathers. We attach black circles on top of them, this will help to form the direction of the gaze for our little animal. Now it remains to form the ears. In this case, there are two solutions: First, you have the opportunity to prepare triangle shapes from felt, in the appropriate color scheme. You can also felt triangles using wool. Most often, the choice of method of work depends on what color your main owl figure comes out! PenguinYou can also prepare a penguin mold forNew Year's tree. This character lives on the shores of Antarctica - the most wintery expanses of the planet. Therefore, we set ourselves the goal of making a similar character in order to decorate the appearance of the tree. For this, you will also need separate materials:
- Prepare wool options in two shades of gray, black, white, orange or yellow
- Needle for felting, No. 38 and No. 40, triangular and stellate type, reverse needle
- Prepare the felting mat
- Scissors required
- Take the beads to decorate the eyes
Let's prepare some light grey carded wool in order tofelt the shape of the future body for the penguin. In shape, the body will resemble a cone. As you can see from the diagram, the penguin's belly will look somewhat darker, have a grayer color. To do this, you need to take a dark gray color and felt it onto the belly, highlighting it. If you do not have this color, you can simply mix the wool in the main color option, and also supplement it with black.
The needle needs to be inserted deeply, thuswe will felt the center of the toy and make the surface loose. The body will look denser, so we will make a mask. Penguins by nature shed their skin in childhood. Their color changes with age. Therefore, we will form a small stripe to the front of the black color. We round off the corners in the right places. At the back, a transition is formed between the black and the main tone. Wings
To make wings, you need to take twotufts of wool in the same version. They need to be felted in parallel, applying the blanks to each other. This is necessary so that they come out identical. Then, the unfelted edges need to be fluffed up, and then - felted to the body of the penguin. If necessary, you should add a little more wool to smooth out the transitions. Using a thin needle - we go over the product, adding shapes. Particular attention should be paid to the lower part of the toy so that the chick can stand up straight. The penguin should be fluffy and therefore, we will not need to use special means for grinding the material.
Elements of appearance We will form the shapes of the paws and beakand tail. Use dark gray material to felt a small version of the tail. For the paws, take black wool, and for the beak, select yellow or orange. You can also make a black beak, as if we had a real penguin. Yellow can only add emphasis to the right places. Felt the element to the bird.
Then, we form indentations for the eye.To do this, we pierce our product in the same place many times. A small piece of black wool must be felted onto the bottom of the eye socket. We sew in or glue in the bead-shaped eyes. The chick is almost complete. The surface must be finished so that the toy version turns out as dense as possible. It must not be dented under the fingers. We polish the face. We use a reverse needle to fluff up the figure, and also put a little on the penguin's head. We get a beautiful ball. We cut it and put it under the Christmas tree!