A simple photo frame for schoolchildren - the original product by the hands of a child. An odd job for school-age children from ice cream sticks

A simple photo frame for schoolchildren - the original product by the hands of a child. An odd job for school-age children from ice cream sticks

Фотография способна запечатлеть момент, immortalize it on paper. The photo album we are used to is already fading into the background. Today, it is very fashionable to use frames in which you can insert photos and decorate your apartment with them. But why buy a photo frame if even a schoolchild can make one himself? A simple photo frame for schoolchildren is made quite quickly. The main material from which this product will be made are ordinary ice cream sticks. It is best to start collecting sticks in advance. Also, you should prepare paints, glue and choose a photo that you would like to place in your new, original photo frame.By the way, with the help of such a frame you can design notnot only photos, but also drawings. A wonderful gift for February 23, March 8 and birthdays can be drawings drawn by a child inserted into such a photo frame. To make such a frame you will need: Ice cream sticks - 7 pieces; paints (watercolor or gouache); PVA glue; brush. Before you start to fasten our photo frame, you need to paint the ice cream sticks in any four colors you choose. Two sticks should be painted in one color. It is advisable to choose bright colors. Then the frame will look brighter and more interesting.Choose any two sticks of the same color and place them parallel to each other.Choose two more sticks of the same color and place them on top of the first chosen pair and glue them.Take the remaining two sticks and glue them on the other side as shown in the image below.Now our craft for school-age children is almost ready. Give it time to dry and let's start decorating it.To decorate the photo frame, you can use small stickers and decals that we will stick on the corners. You can also stick small drawings of your own making.Now we turn the frame face down and apply a little glue to the top so that we can attach the stick, thanks to which the frame will be able to stand on the surface.Then we take the remaining stick and put it onon the glue that we previously applied to the top of the frame. In order for the stick to stick well, its tip needs to be bent a little, but very carefully so that the stick does not break.The photo frame is ready! We remind you that you can insert not only photos into such a frame, but also children's drawings, which will perfectly match the design of the frame.

