Izon for beginners scheme with numbers butterfly (pictures)

Izon for beginners scheme with numbers butterfly (pictures)


Beautiful, original and amazing at the same timeSimple needlework for beginner embroiderers is to quit. The butterfly made in this technique will be both an excellent gift and a magnificent addition to the interior.


"Born" on the shores of the Foggy Albion,The technique of "isolate" today enjoys great popularity in the domestic space. Taking into account the fact that today both the master class advice and the diagrams with figures come to the assistance of the needlewoman, the product does not seem complicated at all. In order to get started, you need to prepare:

  • Needle with a large eye;
  • Cardboard (color - any);
  • Threads of different colors;
  • Awl;
  • Finely honed pencil;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Ruler and scissors;
  • Scotch.
  • Working on an angle

    For many novice craftsmen, the technique of "isolating"Seems complicated. But this is not so, and having mastered the basics, you can create real masterpieces. The "butterfly" pattern assumes the presence of not only round, but also sharp elements. In this regard, you need to learn the regularity of the execution of stitches when filling the corner. To do this you will help a master class for beginners.
    Perform the following manipulations:

  • Turn over the working material and draw a corner using a ruler;
  • Divide each side of the corner into small pieces of no more than one centimeter;
  • Give the points (in ascending and descending order);
  • Use a needle or an awl and puncture each of the points;
  • Combine the numbering of stitches with a thread;
  • Gently fix the thread on the wrong side, using an adhesive tape.

  • Work on the circle

    The butterfly consists of four circles. Also, depending on the scheme with figures, the drawing can be supplemented with other nice elements.
    In order to fill this figure using the isonit technique, you will have to perform simple manipulations that even a child can handle.
    We are working on a circle "Arming" with a template or a compass and proceed to the actions recommended by the master class for beginners.

  • Draw a circle (the size of the circle depends on how big your butterfly is);
  • Divide the figure into several identical segments (their number, always even, depends on the "wishes" of the scheme);
  • Set the numbering (counter-clockwise);
  • Insert the needle from the underside of the product;
  • Perform stitches similar to those with which you filled the corner (remember that when working with the proposed figure you have to make embroidery on the chord);
  • Accurately fill the circle.

  • We work with the wings of the butterfly After you have "stuffed your hand", you, guided by the hints of the scheme with numbers, you can create a whole composition of butterflies. You should act as follows:

  • Carefully circle the pattern;
  • Using a needle, divide each of the wings of the drawn insect into twenty identical segments;
  • Fill in the shape.
  • The wing is ready!

    Remember that the patterns in the isonit techniquewill vary depending on the large or small distances between the points, called chords. Depending on what the diagram advises you, you can fill the figure by diameters. If you divide your circle-wing into eight equal parts, you will get a surreal butterfly a la Salvador Dali. The pattern on its wings will be starry or cobwebby.

    A few tips

    If you are just learning this simpleTechnique, the embroidery of circles and corners must be fixed with a different number of points. Embroider figures in this way: fill a large circle in one direction, and small - in the opposite direction.

    A little later you will be able to create interesting, unusual and quite complex paintings and successfully experiment with threads of different colors.
    The threads you use can be eitherboth regular bobbin and thin woolen ones. The denser the thread structure, the more voluminous the product will look. If you choose thin threads, the butterfly you make will be more lacy and delicate. Experienced craftswomen recommend using silk threads. Thus, regardless of the wishes of the chosen pattern, the drawing will look exquisite and rich.
    Also, beginning craftswomen should adhere to some rules:

    • Nodules do not need (they easily slip through the holes), it is best to use adhesive tape or glue;
    • Markup should be done on the wrong side of the job;
    • From the front side of the product holes should be performed with a thick needle, with the back - using a thin;
    • If the drawing is shallow, the pattern will look much more refined and interesting;
    • The segments must be exactly the same.


    After you master this simple technique,You can perform more "serious", intricate patterns. The works done by isoniazes are perfectly combined with both strict office and cozy home interiors.

    Butterfly patterns with numbers

