Isolate for beginners a scheme with numbers of flowers step by step

Isolate for beginners a scheme with numbers of flowers step by step


Allows you to create authentic masterpieces. To master it is so simple that even each of the beginning needlewomen can soon learn to embroider beautiful postcards, still lifes, ornaments and even portraits. In order to bring this moment closer, you need to learn how to create beautiful flowers in this technique.

Required inventory

To work in the technology of isolating you will need to prepare the following "ingredients":

  • The basis (assuming the use of velvet cardboard or paper);
  • A safety pin (for beginners it is advisable to "arm" with an awl);
  • Sewing threads (any);
  • Needle;
  • Polyfoam (for padding).
  • Fundamental rules

    In the manufacture of beautiful flowers you will helpThe chosen scheme with figures, as well as tips for beginners that our master class offers. If you already know how the angle and circle are being worked out, then you will have to act as follows:

    • carry out the stitching of the element as suggested by the diagram with numbers;
    • At the end of the working thread, make a knot and pull the needle to the "face" of the work (this is the point number 1);
    • Make one stitch (making a puncture at point number 2);
    • Turn the work to the wrong side and draw the broach to point number 3;
    • Go back to the "face" of your work and make a neat stitch to the point number 4 (carefully make sure that from each hole you made, there are 2 threads).

    Enhancing the effectYou will soon see that it is, like no other, perfectly suited for creating truly luxurious products. If in your hands initially there are complex circuits, then to enhance the decorative effects, act as it tells you. Otherwise, our master class for beginners will help you.
    You have to do the following manipulations:

    • carefully sew the outline or completed circle in a couple of stages (in this case, you should choose a stitch of the appropriate length each time);
    • If you are at a loss with the rules for sewing circles, then you can safely use hints to work out the angle (for this you need to divide the circle into several sectors);
    • Each of the resulting sectors is stitched similarly with the angle that is in the center of the circle;
    • The work is done in two stages (some angles are worked out in one direction, others - in a different direction).

    Schemes always designate each of the stages in Roman numerals.
    Petal elaboration
    A flower petal embroidered using the isothread technique should be worked out like incomplete stitching of an oval. You should adhere to the following recommendations:

    • The work should start from the sharp end of the embroidered element;
    • The work should end there;
    • Choose the distance between 2 points is equal to the line that touches the bottom of the embroidered element.

    Embroider flowers for the holiday

    How about embroidering delicate chamomile flowers, forget-me-nots and cornflowers in the technique? Choose the schemes suitable for you and act boldly!
    To make a chamomile flower using the isothread technique, you will need to perform the following manipulations:

    • Embroider a few petals;
    • In the middle of each of the resulting flowers, sew a beautiful bead;
    • To work out buds (schemes will prompt, how exactly it is necessary to do);
    • In the same way work through the leaves and stems.

    Forget-me-not Get a beautiful and delicate forget-me-not that will decorate your interior, you can by following these steps:

    • To embroider flowers;
    • Carefully work out the leaflets (as indicated by the diagrams);
    • To represent stalks with a step one-three.

    Would you like to have a flower in your home?- a symbol of purity, tenderness and holiness? Then, without further delay, start embroidering the cornflower. This wildflower will fit perfectly into the interior or will be an excellent gift for a loved one. And you will need to do the following:

    • To work out the core of the flower (steps one to ten);
    • Gently sew a bead around the contour;
    • Depict the petals of a plant;
    • Work out leaflets (steps one to eight);
    • Embroider stems (steps one to three);
    • Modify other elements.

    The work is ready!

    A few tips

    In order for your work to be perfect, try to follow the tips below:

  • When you fill the corner, make sure that the "face" of the embroidery thread is stretched from one side of the element to the other (on the underside of the stitches are arranged in the form of strokes);
  • On the wrong side, the contour of the circle should be repeated exactly;
  • If you need to make a thread longer, then, fixing it on the wrong side, you can safely enter a new one;
  • To avoid entanglement, do not measure the thread briefly.
  • Finally
    The finished picture with flowers can be pasted onto a cardboard sheet. If you wish, you can make a frame, and then give it as a gift or hang it on the wall.

    Schemes with flowers

