New Year's decoupage of a picture from a napkin for a postcard - Christmas master-class

New Year's decoupage of a picture from a napkin for a postcard - Christmas master-class

Decoupage techniques are widely used andare distributed throughout the world as one of the most interesting and unique types of contemporary art. With a minimal amount of materials, we can make a decoupage of a wide variety of paintings with our own hands. Using decoupage cards, or variations of decoupage paintings made with special and unique means, such as napkins.

New Year's decoupage of a picture from a napkin for a postcard - Christmas master-class

Even the New Year's holiday can be decorated,using standard means for decoupage, which do not necessarily buy. Most of the materials are in your house. Imagine the situation that we need to make a New Year's gift and a beautiful postcard. But, we do not have enough opportunities and means. Decoupage is a real way out. After all, from the most ordinary napkins on the New Year theme, we can prepare unique objects and works of art that can decorate the shelves and make our friends happy. New Year's decoupage of a picture from a napkin for a postcard - Christmas master class. Photo №1 Decoupage on a postcard is a relativelyA modern art form that emerged from the use of decoupage properties on layers of thick paper. So, if you have all the necessary kit, as well as the desire to diversify your picture with an unusually beautiful illustration from a napkin - you can proceed. New Year's decoupage - materials For our work will require a certain set of materials. To begin with, you should buy an ordinary PVA glue, or find it at home. Also, the means for degreasing and, of course, tools. The final work will be conducted with a picture. It will be the most important element of the decor of any decoupage work. And of course, for a more beautiful composition, you should use other methods of decor, if possible. What we need:

  • Prepare a three-layer napkin on the New Year theme
  • Take paper for watercolor, or Whatman (thick cardboard)
  • PVA glue
  • Brush with bristles, depending on the area of ​​work (for a small postcard - a small brush)

Consider three popular decorating optionsour greeting cards with a napkin. There are three well-known methods by which you can design and improve any picture and every composition of the postcard. To begin with, you should prepare our napkin. Note that the drawing from it we have to transfer to a solid surface and therefore, you must determine in advance the method of work. Fragments of a napkin New Year's decoupage of a picture from a napkin for a postcard - Christmas master class. Photo # 2 For the first variant of the work we must think overthe original solution of the composition. You can use the whole drawing of our napkin, but make up your own version of the picture. To begin with, we take and mark the boundaries on the object of our works: whether it is a paper, paper, or cardboard. In these zones, in the future, we will begin placing our pictures (more precisely, fragments of the composition). This is necessary in the event that you will cut the picture in the required format, so as not to accidentally get rid of the necessary details. Also, you can take ready-made images. From the paper, it is necessary to separate the layer that is fed along with the pattern. Next, you need to choose which part of the picture will be needed to complete the desired composition. After, it is necessary to cut out the napkin objects, and then - to decompose them onto our base. After this - it is necessary to apply glue and glue the picture. We operate smears from the central part to the edges. This is necessary in order to avoid hitting airspace for our work. When the napkin is completely impregnated with glue, one movement can ruin the napkin. New Year's decoupage of a picture from a napkin for a postcard - Christmas master class. Picture №3 After the glue is applied, dry the pattern. Option of the background napkin New Year's decoupage of a picture from a napkin for a postcard - Christmas master class. Photo №4 To begin with, it is necessary to glue a napkin,using a solid pattern. Be sure to consider the fact that the wet space of your napkin will deform during the work, but it is not a defect. To smooth the surface, you need to separate the pattern layer and then lay it on the paper, then apply glue. After, by the same method as in the previous lesson, place the picture on your base. New Year's decoupage of a picture from a napkin for a postcard - Christmas master class. Photo №5 Fragments for the background This option looks likesomewhat chaotic, but gives more opportunities to fantasize over the picture. Alternately, tear off pieces of napkins and paste them in the right places to form our future composition. We do this until then, until we get the right version of the picture. The element of surprise will recreate a special version of the composition. Thus, it is easy to realize small drawings, and flaws can be corrected by decorating. New Year's decoupage of a picture from a napkin for a postcard - Christmas master class. Photo №6 That's all! With this simple method, you can upgrade any postcard and make it much more attractive than before. Moreover, each method suits its task and has its own capabilities. In the first method, you can plan everything in advance, but if the composition fails, it will be difficult to remake anything. The second method is different in speed and integrity, but the figure may not meet expectations. The third way is to use fantasy, and you can decorate flaws with various effects. New Year's decoupage of a picture from a napkin for a postcard - Christmas master class. Photo №7

