New Year's crafts, crafts for the New Year with their own hands, hand-made articles from their own hands, a New Year's gift with their own hands.
Every day the New Year is getting closer and closer, and thismeans that it's time to prepare holiday decorations and gifts. Unfortunately, there is not always money and time to run around the shops. But this is not a reason to be upset, because you can always make something unusual, bright and original with your own hands. Beautiful DIY New Year's craft - "snow globe" Such a classic, but at the same time wonderful craft as a "snow globe" can be made at home without much effort. To do this, you need to prepare a glass jar that will close tightly, boiled water, glycerin (can be purchased at a pharmacy), glitter, pieces of foam, and plastic New Year-themed figurines. You can make a figurine yourself from polymer clay. Additionally, buy epoxy waterproof glue at a hardware store. When all the materials and tools are prepared, you can start working. The first thing you need to do is prepare a decorative composition with a New Year's theme. It should be attached to the lid. Pick up all sorts of figures of Christmas trees, Santa Claus, snowdrifts can be molded from polymer clay, if there are suitable figures from Kinder Surprises, you can use them, having previously treated the surface of the toys with acrylic paints.The whole composition must be carefully glued tothe base lid, using epoxy glue. When all the work is done, you need to start making the liquid. It is the unusual composition that helps the snowflakes spin slowly and smoothly. You need to mix boiled water with glycerin in a 1:1 ratio. Add glitter and foam to the solution, and you can start assembling the ball. Pour the solution of water and glycerin into the prepared glass jar and close it tightly with a lid with the glued composition. Consider the amount of liquid in advance, you do not need to completely fill the jar, because the figures glued to the lid will displace it. After closing the lid, turn the jar over several times and check how the snowflakes will fall. If too quickly, then you need to add a little more glycerin to the solution. The craft will be ready when the snowflakes fall slowly and beautifully.For greater tightness, coat the jointlids and jars with the same glue, it will help prevent leakage. If desired, you can additionally decorate the jar using ribbons, beads, etc. DIY button decorations There is such a variety of brightly colored buttons that you just want to turn them into something more original and interesting. For example, on the eve of the New Year holidays, you can make very unusual decorations from them, collecting many interesting balls, snowflakes, wreaths, etc. It is quite easy to make such a bright Christmas tree toy with your own hands, using buttons of different shapes and sizes. Use any plastic ball as a base, which you just need to glue buttons on. Additional decor in the form of sparkles, beads and ribbons will not be superfluous.You can also make button balls usingfoam base. In this case, the buttons are simply attached with pins. Buttons are also an excellent material from which you can make many bright pyramids, cylinders and other Christmas tree decorations. Just take a wire and string buttons on it in different sequences, make the other end into a hook, and the toy is ready.In a similar way, you can make a small Christmas tree; you must admit, it looks quite bright and impressive.Using mother-of-pearl, white andsilver color you can make very beautiful and delicate snowflakes. Glue metal rods to the largest button as shown in the illustration. Glue other buttons to them, attaching the smallest ones to the edges.But the simplest option for makingNew Year's decoration from buttons - this is a small wreath or ring. Just string buttons on a fishing line, wire or strong thread and make a ring, additionally decorate it with a bow from a satin ribbon.New Year's toys from salt dough BOn the eve of the New Year, you can make many original decorations from salt dough. Involve your children and have a good time together. Such unusual decorations are ideal for creating Christmas tree decorations and garlands, as well as souvenirs for grandparents. Please your loved ones too.To create such a toy we will needproducts for making the dough, parchment paper, ribbon, tube, paints, as well as various molds in the form of a star, mitten, etc. Salted dough has many recipes. In this master class, to make the dough, we will need half a glass of water, half a glass of salt, a glass of flour and one tablespoon of vegetable oil. To create such a mitten, you can use a special mold. If you do not have one, do not run to the store on purpose. Draw it on paper, cut it out and attach it to the rolled out dough. Go along the edge of the stencil with a knife as carefully as possible. If any irregularities have formed, smooth them out with your hands.As you can see, there are also baby prints on top of the decorations. So, when making the mitten, make sure that they are the right size for your baby's palm.After this, make a small hole withusing a tube or any sharp object. Additionally, apply some inscription: the child's name, a small wish, etc. Patterns made with lace will look very original and unusual. Just cut out the desired pattern from the lace ribbon, apply it to the dough and press with a rolling pin.Next, place the decorations on parchment paper.and dry them in the oven at 100-120 degrees. Finally, paint the toys, sprinkle them with glitter and thread a ribbon through which they will be hung. Openwork snowflake from a plastic bottle Snow beauties are circling outside our windows, bringing us a fabulous New Year's mood. Since they can only be seen outside the window, we try to fill our home with something similar. Most often, these are paper snowflakes, although there are many other improvised means from which you can make real openwork decorations. A real snow beauty can also be made from a plastic bottle. And there will be nothing complicated here. And the master class presented below will help you with this.You need to prepare a plastic bottle, a stationery knife, scissors, acrylic paints of blue, silver, and white colors, and a transparent varnish that is used in working with plastic.Use a utility knife to cut off the bottom.bottles. This is what we will need in our work. Next, using scissors, shape the bottom into a snowflake, making two cuts in the places of the depressions converging towards the center. Apply varnish to the inner surface of the base and sprinkle it with decorative white powder until it dries. Wait until the varnish dries a little (10-15 minutes will be enough for this), and blow off the excess powder. Now work on the upper part of the snowflake. Apply a pattern using a thin brush. Make fancy ornaments with all sorts of curved lines and curls. When the snowflake is completely decorated, cover it with varnish on both sides. Make a hole with a hot metal knitting needle and thread a ribbon through it. Now the cute snowflake that can be hung on a Christmas tree or chandelier is ready. Unusual DIY New Year's wreath Although this topic has been raised many times, there are so many variations of this decoration that it is simply impossible not to touch on this topic. Moreover, New Year without a wreath over the door is no longer conceivable in many families. Wreath from plastic bags To make such a decoration, you need materials that can be found in any home. Prepare a sheet of thick cardboard, glue, scissors, satin ribbons, and a lot of transparent plastic bags.Make a ring out of cardboard that willserve as the basis for the future wreath. Next, take the bags and cut them into strips about 7-8 cm wide. Each strip should be cut as shown in the diagram, leaving an uncut space in the center.Prepare a lot of such strips, takecardboard base and glue strips of bags to them, gathering them. If desired, make the wreath fluffier by fixing more or less polyethylene strips in one area. Door wreath made of paperAs in the previous version, you will need a framefrom cardboard and colored paper, from which you need to cut out leaves. Using glue, attach paper leaves to a round base, placing them overlapping. Decorate the wreath with a ribbon and the New Year's decoration is ready. Paper roses for decorating a New Year's wreathTo make such an original wreath, take a strip of paper (width - 5 cm), fold it in half, as shown in the diagram.Now wrap a paper strip around the toothpick,so that in the end you get a kind of rose. Additionally, prepare paper of a different color. Take a small piece of it, twist it into a cone, and cut off the excess. Having made all the necessary blanks, glue them to the cardboard base using a glue gun. You can use ordinary glue. Wreath of tiesIn fact, a wreath can be made from any materialscrap materials, and old ties are no exception. In this work, everything is also very simple. Glue the ends of the ties to the paper base. It is best to use a glue gun to create such a wreath. At the end of the work, you can glue a kind of bow on it, made from a thin tie. New Year's monkey made of felt New Year's toys made of felt have long been popular. They are quite simple in their execution, but look very bright and cute. The symbol of this year is a monkey, and this is what we will try to make today.Prepare brown and beige felt, cardboard,scissors, stuffing material, thread and a needle. First, draw the patterns of all the parts. You can come up with them yourself or find them online. Cut out and transfer all the parts to felt. Turn the patterns over and trace them again.Once all the details are drawn on the fabric,cut them out as neatly as possible. Start assembling the monkey from the head. First, sew all the muzzle parts with an overlock stitch, and then sew the two head parts together, leaving a little space for stuffing. Fill the head with holofiber or other material and sew it up finally.In a similar manner, start sewing all the parts together.While sewing the body, gradually insert the details of the arms and legs. Fill the body with stuffing material and sew on the head using a blind stitch. Don't forget about the ears and tail of the monkey. Now you just need to design the muzzle by sewing on beads as eyes and a nose.Make it more fun by putting it on a monkeyskirt or giving a snowflake into your hands. There are many design options. Such a wonderful felt monkey will be a great decoration for your New Year tree.A gift in the form of a Christmas tree made of candy Neonly decorations can be made with your own hands. You can also beautifully wrap a gift set of sweets. And how to do this, will tell you the master class, which you can read below.Prepare thick paper of two colors, scissors,double-sided tape (it can be replaced with glue), decorative ribbon for decoration and candies (cookies). To make such an original package, you just need to bend colored paper in a certain direction, this will create cells where the candies will be placed. First, make the main triangle of the gift tree. As you can see in the first illustration, the base is quite simple to make, cutting out a wide rectangle of the required size and gluing a triangle out of it. The size of the box depends solely on your wishes. When preparing such a package, plan in advance how many candies will fit in it, you can attach one of them for clarity. In this master class, a rectangle with dimensions of 26 and 5 cm was used as an example. To fold the triangle correctly, step back a little from the edge and divide the part into three equal segments. Fold the rectangle at the folds and apply glue to the small tip to fix the structure.Now you need to cut out three additional onesrectangles that correspond to the length of 28, 18 and 10 cm, their width will be the same - 5 cm (these dimensions should be used provided that the base will be the same size as in this master class).On each of the segments, every 2.5 cm, you need to draw a line and fold the figures along them as shown in the photo.Place them inside the base, securing them with glue or double-sided tape.In the photos below you can see howsimilarly make the trunk of the tree. To do this, you need to follow all the steps listed above. Only in this case the base will be square. Glue the two parts of the tree together with double-sided tape or glue.Finally, you can wrap the finished holiday package with film and make a bow from a ribbon or decorative rope. Now your Christmas tree with sweets is ready.