Pattern of the original shirt for your dog. Sew an interesting outfit for your pet for free with simple tips

Pattern of the original shirt for your dog. Sew an interesting outfit for your pet for free with simple tips

Here come the first cold autumn days.We are all in a hurry to wrap ourselves in new warm clothes. But we shouldn't forget about our beloved four-legged friends. After all, they also require a fashionable new seasonal outfit that will protect them from drizzling rains and winds during long autumn walks. But it is not necessary to immediately rush to the store and look for clothes for your pet there, especially since there are very few really good specialized stores, and even fewer quality items there. Everything can be done much easier! A wonderful and simple pattern of an original shirt for your dog will help you sew a unique and relevant outfit for your pet in the fall of 2014. In addition, you can do it absolutely free with your own hands. In such a wonderful autumn shirt, your dog will not only be reliably protected from all the vicissitudes of autumn, but will also look great and will cheer up everyone around of the original shirt pattern for your dog. Photo №1In order to make a shirt for a dog, you will first need to take measurements, this is very easy to do. The most convenient way to measure the dog is with a measuring of the original shirt pattern for your dog. Photo # 2

How to take measurements you can see in detail in the photo above.

  • The number 1 indicates the measurements of the collar;
  • This will be the distance from the base of the tail tocollar. If you are planning to sew a shirt for a medium or large breed dog, then step back 7 cm from the base of the tail, but if for a small breed dog - then 3-5 cm;
  • This is the distance from the belly to the tail;
  • The distance along the chest from the abdomen to the inside of the hind legs;
  • Distance from the upper part of the shoulder (withers) to the front legs;
  • Distances from the base of the front paws down the chest to the collar;
  • To ensure that the sleeves do not hamper the movement of your dog and do not prevent it from moving, add to the widest part of the front paw 2.5 cm in front;
  • The length of the sleeves is determined entirely at your discretion. To measure it, start as shown in the photo from the base of the paw. And do not forget to add 1.5 cm for the seams;
  • To the width of the bottom of the sleeve, add 1.5 -2 cm.
  • Once you have completed all the necessary measurements and decided on the parameters of the proposed shirt, you can proceed directly to the of the original shirt pattern for your dog. Picture №3To construct the pattern, you will need two sheets of paper. Large parchment paper is best. One sheet will contain the upper part of the pattern, the other its lower of the original shirt pattern for your dog. Photo №4In the photo above, the back (the top part of the pattern) is drawn with a solid line. The bottom - the belly, is indicated by a dotted line. Let's start creating the top part of the pattern.

    • First, fold the sheet in half.
    • Next, on the first half, we will draw one halfpatterns. In size, you need to follow the measurements taken from the dog earlier. When you draw the pattern, make sure that the sides and sleeves of the product are at the edges of the paper, and the back is at the fold of the sheet.
    • When finished, cut out the resulting pattern and cut it out.
    • After that, we transfer the pattern to the fabric. Be sure not to forget to add a few centimeters of allowances for seams.

    Let's move on to the bottom part of the pattern for the original shirt for your dog.

    • It will consist of two parts. This will be necessary in order to later be sewn to the product lock or fasten buttons.
    • By the line of the belly and along the line along the sleeves, the pattern of the lower part will coincide with the pattern of the upper.
    • The shoulder line will be 2-2.5 cm higher than the top.
    • Next, we measure the distance from the middle of the chestbetween the front paws to the base of the front paw. For hairless and smooth-haired breeds, it is better to choose the option with a shirt fastening with Velcro or a zipper. In this case, leave another 2.5 - 3 cm to the right and left parts of the pattern. If the product is planned for a long-haired dog, then buttons are best suited. In this case, you will need to add 2.5 cm to the right part (the buttons will be on this side) and 5 cm to the left (this is necessary to make slits for the buttons).
    • When all the previous steps have been completed, we transfer the pattern to the fabric. Be sure to leave a few centimeters of allowances for seams.

    The last step is to sew the top of the shirt to the bottom and insert the fasteners you have of the original shirt pattern for your dog. Photo №5That's it, an original shirt for your dogaccording to a simple pattern is ready. Thus, you can see that it is very easy to make a wonderful thing for your pet. All you need is a simple pattern, tools available in the arsenal of any housewife, a little patience and, of course, your boundless imagination. Having made such a wonderful product, you will not only please your pet and everyone around you with a new beautiful image, but also protect him from the cold Russian autumn. Therefore, do not hesitate to sew an original shirt for your dog now and make your pet a real fashionista. Do not forget to share the results of your work and useful observations in the comments with other users.

