Pattern of overalls for the terrier own hands. Using simple schemes and methods, create a unique suit for walking your favorite pet

Pattern of overalls for the terrier own hands. Using simple schemes and methods, create a unique suit for walking your favorite pet

The caring owner seeks to give his pet all the best. Therefore, he cares not only about the health and nutrition of the dog, but also pays attention to even the wardrobe.photoinstruction of a pattern of overalls for toy-terrier. Photo №1 Some may consider that such excesses are notNeed, but in the winter, for example, that the terrier also freezes on walks, and a high-quality and warm overall can heat the animal. Walk will be fun not only to the owner of the dog, but also to the pet. Stylishly dressed that the terrier can lift the mood not only to the owner, but also to surrounding people. The overalls can be bought at any pet store, but if you sew well, and you know the basics of this art, then you can easily sew a suit for your pet. Moreover, the dog of that terrier breed is small, and the material will be needed for it a little. To begin with, you need to make a pattern for overalls. There are some rules that need to be considered when creating a pattern:

  • With a dog, you need to take all the measurements, because each dog is unique.
  • Keep in mind that, in the end, the outfit should not restrain the animal.

A little below is a pattern of overalls. It consists of a large number of parts. photoinstruction of a pattern of overalls for toy-terrier. Photo # 2 To redraw this pattern by sizeof that terrier, it is necessary in the beginning to take measurements from the animal. The main thing is to measure the length of the dog from the neck to the very base of the tail. In the figure, this is the length of LN. The resulting value is divided by 8. You will get the number of cells that need to be applied on a large sheet of paper. After that, redraw the above pattern strictly on the cells. Cut out the fifth detail in one copy, and the remaining details - two. The arrows indicate the longitudinal direction of the threads of the tissue itself. After the patterns are made, they should be sewn. Connect the parts with the same letters. It is necessary to know that in the detail under number 3 there is a line KH. So it does not need to be sewn with anything. This will be an opening for the paws of that terrier. The third part is sewn into the armhole of the first part. Below is the second version of overalls. It is easier to sew, because it consists of only two parts. Such a jumpsuit is sewn by analogy with the previous model. photoinstruction of a pattern of overalls for toy-terrier. Picture №3 Such patterns are ideal for those terriers. Basically, all the overalls are made for animals of miniature breeds. photoinstruction of a pattern of overalls for toy-terrier. Photo №4 The problem is that such animals are moreall suffer from cold winters, and they can easily catch a cold from the cold wind. So make a overall for your terrier and protect it from any bad weather.

