Loom Bands products with their own hands with detailed descriptions and photos.

Loom Bands products with their own hands with detailed descriptions and photos.

Particularly popular among adults and childrenuse products woven from multi-colored rubber bands Loom Bands. Many have not only learned the basics of this type of handicraft, but have also managed to make several bracelets. And then they do not know what other products can be created using the method of weaving from colored rubber bands. In this article, we will examine in detail what can be made from this material, as well as what tools you will need for your work. Naturally, there are many options, we will also introduce you to only some of them.Bright products of Loom Bands with their own hands. Photo №1The main tools that should helpyou quickly and easily weave products from rubber bands, is a loom. If you do not have one yet, instead of the loom columns, you can use the fingers of the needlewoman. And now let's take a closer look at what products can be created from Loom Bands rubber bands with your own hands. 1. Jewelry from rubber bands. Bracelets. Making such products is a good start in the process of mastering this type of craft, because it is very simple and fairly quick to do.Bright products of Loom Bands with their own hands. Photo # 2But here too there are varying degreescomplexity. It is possible to simply connect rubber bands that are threaded into each other, to multi-level, multi-row rubber bands. The product can be secured using two types of clasps (C- and S-like). When weaving a bracelet without a machine, it should be replaced with felt-tip pens, pencils or a fork. Instead of these devices, you can work on two fingers, but this will disrupt the free blood flow in your hands. Also, make sure that the bracelet comes out quite loose, so as not to interfere with the functioning of the blood in the wrist. On average, forty to fifty rubber bands will be needed to weave a bracelet for a standard hand. Among the popular models of such bracelets are such as "Brazilian", "fishtail", "3D", "fluffy", etc. Rings and earrings. Rings can act as part of an unfinished bracelet, or as a separate product. Most often they are made in a floral theme. To create earrings you will need special fittings.Bright products of Loom Bands with their own hands. Picture №3Leg decor.Accessories for the hand or foot are based on the weaving of bracelets, which, however, will be more complex. This is explained by the fact that the jewelry in this case is supplemented with fasteners located on the wrist, ankle or finger. Such things will be most relevant in the warm season.Bright products of Loom Bands with their own hands. Photo №42. Pendants for phones, keychains, zippers.There are many ways to weave pendants: from a regular flower on a hook, without using a special machine, to very complex 3D strawberries, cherries, by attaching a metal hook to them. Most often, such pendants or figures can be woven from 2 rubber bands in case one of them breaks, the product will not lose its integrity.Bright products of Loom Bands with their own hands. Photo №53. Cases and bags for phones.Such products are very easy to make, but have one significant drawback: a large number of rubber bands are required for weaving. Considering the size of the accessory you intend to create, you will need from seven hundred to two thousand rubber bands.Bright products of Loom Bands with their own hands. Photo №64. Hair accessories.The most popular hair accessories are hairpins and headbands. You can also make a bow from rubber bands on a machine. For this, you will need about three hundred rubber bands. The base of the product should be attached on the opposite side.Bright products of Loom Bands with their own hands. Photo №75. Clothes for dolls.By the way, dresses made of rubber bands can be woven not only for toys, but also for people. Everyone will think about the quality of such clothes independently, but as an option for an original thing it is quite interesting.Bright products of Loom Bands with their own hands. Photo №8In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once againattention to the positive characteristics of weaving with rubber bands: this type of activity develops fine motor skills, promotes concentration, develops aesthetic taste (combination of colors), logic and other positive qualities.

