We disclose the secrets of how to make a picture for your home with your own hands

We disclose the secrets of how to make a picture for your home with your own hands

Panel is a unique decoration for any house. Today we will try to make it ourselves. How to make a picture with your own hands. Photo №1 We will need: • Canvas semi-circular (60 x 31 cm); • Acrylic primer; • Acrylic paints; • Rice paper for decoupage; • Glue for decoupage; • Pasta for simulating murals; • Paint; • Finishing varnish; • Sandpaper; • Synthetic brushes; • Mastikhin; • Foam Sponge. Progress. Before you start creating a fresco, prepare the images. For this, we take rice paper for decoupage and extract the fragments we need. Scissors are best not to use, in this case we need uneven edges. On a semicircular canvas with the help of a palette knifesize, we apply a special paste to create a fresco effect. We try to make the maximum texture layer. Leave the canvas for 8 hours until the paste dries completely. We apply glue for dried paste to decoupage in those places where we plan to glue fragments of rice paper for decoupage. Apply rice paper and how tosmooth with a wide flat brush. On top of the paper, we apply one more layer of decoupage glue, as if impregnating the paper with them. We expel air bubbles from the paper and smooth out small creases with a brush. At the edges of the main motif we glue stripes with the colors of poinsety - the symbol of Christmas. We pay special attention to the edges of the motifs. We cut out with a scissors for decoupage the flower of a punch from rice paper. Then glue it over the main image. We apply a sufficient amount of glue with a flat brush. Now on the palette we mix acrylic paints,to get the appropriate shades. With the help of a foam sponge, we copy the edges of the images with a white background of the fresco. It is not necessary to drive the paint into the textured surface. Movements should be easy, and sponge dry. To each piece of the image, we select the right shade of the paint and, as it were, draw the image onto the background. If necessary, several layers of paint can be applied. After the paint dries, we takefine-grained sandpaper. We need to have a relief - we project the paint on the speakers. Thanks to this, we will give the fresco an old look, removing the excessive brightness of the image. Now with the help of acrylic paint put the accents- We draw stamens in flowers, make the light in the windows even brighter. The paint has a handy tip, so you can draw small items. After drying the paint, we apply several layers of finishing varnish with a matte effect. Let's dry each layer. The fresco is ready! Now this wonderful panel will decorate your house.

