Slavic amulet decorated with a small house of salted dough - crafts and homemade articles

Slavic amulet decorated with a small house of salted dough - crafts and homemade articles

Do you want luck in your house,prosperity and well-being? Then place in the kitchen or in the hallway a Slavic amulet, as did our ancestors. But that it was not just a souvenir and decoration of the interior, and carried a deep meaning and protected your home, it is better to make such a guard with your own hands, with your soul. To make amulets, I used an adhesive gun, cereals, coins, artificial fruit, you can also use other symbols of your choice (dried flowers, sunflower seeds or pumpkin, ribbons). My wardrobe is also decorated with a house. The house was made of salt and dyed with paint.Slavic amulet, decorated with a house made from salted dough. Photo №1

