Slavic amulets embroidery scheme of secret signs (photo)
- Required inventory
- Getting Started
- Important Tips
- Let's start embroidering
- Which amulet to choose
- Instructions for an embroiderer
- Video: Protective embroidery and the perfect reverse side
How to deal with evil machinations aimed atenemies and envious people on your home? Since time immemorial, keepers of the hearth have resorted to the help of amulets made with their own hands. Despite the fact that the twenty-first century has long reigned in the yard, the Slavic embroidery "amulet" still remains relevant.
Required inventory
In order for you to have a beautiful embroidered embroidery, you need to prepare:
- Thread of a moulin;
- canvas;
- Special scissors;
- The needle;
- Embroidery frame.
Getting Started
Embroidered embroidery of the Slavs involves working withOrdinary thread, made of wool, cotton or linen. Embroidery "charm" even in times of hoary antiquity was present both on the clothes of the Slavs, and on towels, tablecloths and other items used for home. The main thing in embroidery is the pattern and color. Slavic oberezhnaya embroidery suggests that the color gamut corresponds to the part of the spectrum that needs protection.
Important Tips
Slavic embroidery embroidery is made inAccording to the recommendations of the skilled workers who lived in pagan times. In order for you to get a magnificent embroidery amulet, follow these recommendations:
- Thread secure without knots (superstitious craftsmen believe that otherwise the Slavic embroidery "guardian" will not have power);
- If the amulet embroidery is done in red-orange tones, according to needlewomen, it will protect you from betrayal and infidelity;
Slavic amulet "Kolyadnik" - Slavic embroidery amulet for a child should be made in the form of an animal (the patterns will tell you what color of threads to choose);
Children's amulet "Rodinets" - If the amulet, embroidered with a cross, is intended to stabilize the financial situation, then the choice should be made on green threads;
Slavic amulet "Cross of Lada-Mother of God" - If the embroidery amulet is intended to protect against infertility, you should work with black threads;
Slavic amulet "Valkyrie" - If the protective cross stitch is made to protect health, then the pattern with a green spruce tree is best suited;
Slavic amulet "Tree of Wisdom" - When the embroidery amulet is intended to protect love, you should choose bright red threads.
Family protective amuletSmall details of the amulet for the home should be embroidered in one color. An ornament on a towel or a modest pattern on a handkerchief will be an excellent solution.
Let's start embroidering
Great importance for the Slavs from time immemorial hadAmulet designed to protect the hearth. A variety of embroidery schemes today are freely available. In order to make their own hands to protect the house from all sorts of misfortunes, you need to know the correct technology of cross stitching.
The correct stitch The embroidered embroidery of the Slavs,Intended to protect the home, is performed in the technique of "semi-cross." Called also as a painting, it is a 2-sided seam connecting the purl and facial stitches into one continuous line. The "two-way" semicircle is performed as follows:
moving from left to right in accordance with the diagram’s recommendations, lay diagonal facial stitches (you need to focus on the number of threads);- Make sure that on the wrong side of the embroidery of the Slavs were obtained similar, but "mirrored" in the opposite side of the stitches;
- For the second move you, in accordance withRecommendations of the scheme, it is necessary to move forward in the opposite direction, filling the gaps between the stitches on the front side and gently piercing the fabric in the designated places in the first row.
The cross in the Slavic embroidery embroidery, designed to protect the native house from enemy intentions and actions, is carried out by 2 diagonal stitches, which cross each other.
The design will be beautiful if the stitches you make in the opposite direction neatly overlap those that were embroidered first.
When cross stitching vertically, follow these guidelines:
- In the "bottom-up" technique, perform one stitch;
turn the work over to the wrong side, find the upper section of the embroidered element, and, piercing the needle to the side of the design, make a diagonal stitch using the “left-down” technique as recommended in the diagram;- On the wrong side, make a straight stitch;
- Perform the third cross.
Sometimes the pattern of embroidery embroidery, necessary to protect the home, suggest that the cross is performed diagonally.
Small elements
Slavic female amulet for healing
Slavs, intended to protect the home, it is necessary to remember to follow the following rules:
- Stitches should be located in the shape of the motif (from the edge to the middle in the flower petals, closer to the center - in the leaves);
- It is important to adjust the length of the stitches, placing them in accordance with the recommendations of the scheme (1 long and 1 short);
- Large stitches do not need to be stitched, and stitches to work in the "edge-center" technique;
- The middle vein should be made with a stalk suture;
- For embroidery of twigs and grass, not onlyThe stalk joint, but also the stitches with the eyelets (the latter should be located at the stalk at an even angle, and their ends - converge at one point).
Securing the thread The guard intended forProtection of the house, and playing an important role in the life of the ancient Slavs, will look beautiful and effective, if you learn how to work properly with the thread. Remember when embroidering you need about the following:
- To fix the ends of the working threads with knots should not be (these actions are advisable during the execution of stitches forming a line);
- All the existing schemes recommend threading only in two or three final stitches - where the threads intersect;
experienced craftswomen, skilled in manufacturingSlavic amulets advise to secure the thread on the wrong side, at the beginning and end (to perform this action you will need to pull them through the connecting stitches);- As an alternative method of manufacturing the amulet to protect the home, experienced needlewomen offer to "mix" both techniques of fixing the working thread.
Required length
Scheme of amulet for family well-beingEmbroideryamulet, which in ancient times was used to protect the Slavic home, suggests that the working thread should be as long as possible. This is necessary so that the surface of the drawing has an aesthetically attractive and neat appearance.
If you decide to embroider with cotton thread, you will need two or three folds. To do this, you should cut the working thread to the desired length and simultaneously thread it through the eye of the needle.
If the pattern suggests that the amulet for protecting the home should be embroidered with threads made of silk, then you will first need to measure the required length, and only then cut it.
We work on the wrong side.The perfect wrong side. To do this, you need to carefully monitor the location of stitches on the wrong side and the correct execution of diagonal and vertical connecting stitches.
Sewing The fabric will not crumble unless you carefully trim it with a seam before embroidering. To process the edges, you will need to trim the edge with the entire fabric.
We place the picture The ornamental ornament was executedSlavic craftsmen in such a way that a clear association with the World Tree can be traced. And today it is extremely important to place the drawing correctly. Without this, according to many needlewomen, the guard for the hearth will not have enough strength. To properly place a picture, you need to do the following:
- Find the center of the fabric and fold it in 4-r times;
- Mark the center lines with offset stitches;
- Placing an ornament, you need to consider the allowance for the fold.
Which amulet to choose
From the treasure of ancient wisdom we gently take outWe are information relevant for those who sincerely believe in the power of the Slavic wards. When embroidering, you need to know exactly who is sewing the "protector" and for what purpose. It should be remembered that.
A teething baby needs to embroidera frisky squirrel (the Tree of Life should be placed in the center, on the sides - symbolic sprouts, signs of the healing overpowering herb, and along the upper edge of the work place the sign of the little ones, Radinets).
For a young lady suffering from hormonal imbalance,which led to the appearance of extra kilos, it is important to opt for Ladinets (first, Lada with Lelya and Popel is embroidered on her hands, then rays of red and any other colors), which can be decorated with modest roses.
For a girl aged three years and over, the Lelnik, which reveals abilities and talents, would be appropriate (this amulet also gives girls and very young women feminine attractiveness, tenderness and charm).
Slavic amulet "Lelnik"For female children prone to lung diseases, you should embroider the Odolen-grass.
For a successful pregnancy and safe delivery, a gentle Rozhanitsa is embroidered.
Slavic amulet "Rozhanitsa" For the treatment of male diseases, the Fern Flower is embroidered.
Slavic amulet "Fern Flower"To manage wealth and attract domestic well-being, the choice should be made on Veles (one of the symbols of this deity is a bull).
Slavic amulet "Veles"For family protectionTo protect the union from disintegration, a Wedding Amulet is embroidered (Belobog is depicted on the back of the amulet), decorated with three beaded pendants, symbolizing the three worlds in which harmony must be maintained.
Slavic amulet "Svadebnik"
Slavic amulet "Belobog" Often for protectionFor the family hearth, embroiderers choose Makosh. When in a house or apartment, it has a beneficial effect on both the needlewoman herself, who is also the keeper of the hearth, and on all members of her family.
Slavic amulet "Makosh" Mother Makosh is embroidered on a green background. If you have a persistent "allergy" to all shades of green, then at least make a frame in this color.
It is necessary to introduce green color into the embroidery because it is considered the color of vegetation and life itself. The embroidery can be decorated with flowers and ears of corn.
It is important to remember that embroidering a talisman is forIt is not recommended to do it yourself. You should not buy it "ready-made" either. According to experienced needlewomen, protective embroidery should be made only for a specific person.
Instructions for an embroiderer
To create a protective Slavic ornamentYou need to clearly adhere to the rules worked out even when the "Sun was a god" - many centuries ago. According to experienced needlewomen, who are skilled in making embroidery, it is extremely important to adhere to these rules, since otherwise the guard will not have any power. So, remember that:
- Seams for the execution of the ancient pattern, must necessarily be countable (for each of the stitches the craftsman must count the yarns of the fabric);
- You do not need to translate a drawing into a working material (only its size and location can be delicately indicated);
- Perform the work best with the help of seams "countable smoothness", "set" and "painting";
- If the craftsman embroiders the amulet to protect against spoilage and evil eye, it is best to use the threads of their quality cotton;
- When the embroidery is made in order to ensure that the person always keeps the clarity of thinking even in the most difficult, non-standard situations, the silk threads must be used;
- To calm the "ragged" nerves, it is desirable to stop the choice of thread from flax (with their help, trees, the sun, birds and stars are performed);
- Woolen threads are relevant for those who are already very close to the manifestations of evil (they are worked out silhouettes of their beloved animals, trees or fruits);
- Embroider a few patterns, the purpose of which varies, on one material is not recommended (otherwise embroidery will be blatant in both aesthetic and energy sense);
- It is not recommended to use several types of fabrics in the pattern.
- Slavic embroidery, intended for the protection of life, love or health, should be completely "impeccable".
While working on the amulet for the hearth, you must ensure that the thread does not stop.
Embroidery amulet will be a great gift for a loved one. As in pre-Christian times, you can make a corresponding ornament on a towel or shirt.
Video: Protective embroidery and the perfect reverse side