A picture of plasticine for children: master class

A picture of plasticine for children: master class

Pictures of plasticine We sometimes think that tearing a child awayComputer or X-box - absolutely unsolvable task. Time is running out, and it’s a pity to miss those days when the child is still small, and after all, with easy mom’s (and even better, Daddy’s) hands, it’s easy to organize several happy hours with an impressive, memorable result! And, believe me, the process will enthrall the child no less than the game on the computer. Therefore, we will postpone all our affairs and engage in creative work with the child. We offer you an unusual use of traditional material - plasticine. In addition to the development of fantasy, modeling from plasticine implies a remarkable development of fine motor skills, which, in turn, positively affects both speech and thinking. It is not so easy to sculpt from plasticine for disobedient and insufficiently strong children's fingers, but if you make such activities any regular, you will see how well the kid does even the most delicate work. Rarely, but it happens that molding a child is absolutely not interested. There is a safe move: sculpt together! But not one hand-made article, but two at once, the same: mother sculpts her own, and the child hers. Do not forget to ask the child for help, but don’t pull with help yourself, if you see that it is necessary: ​​the child can give up before very heavy work, as it seems to him, and lose interest in the lesson. And we bring to your attention a master class, simple in execution and interesting: today we will “draw” with plasticine a cheerful, bright rainbow. And as a basis, we are not using cardboard, not paper, but old CDs. In each house there are old, damaged CDs that just gather dust on the shelves. They can make an excellent basis for creating voluminous pictures from plasticine.

To create such pictures from plasticine you will need:

plasticine, CDs, plasticine knife, scotch, cardboard, scissors, rope.

Do-it-yourself pictures of plasticine: description of work

1. Hold the blue piece of clay in your hand so that it warms slightly, and spread it across the surface of the disk, making sure that the layer of clay is even. Sculpt a picture of plasticine 2. Close the disc hole on the reverse side, gluing a piece of cardboard with tape. Cover the hole with tape 3. At the bottom of the future picture, draw a horizon line. Plasticine: painting 4. Roll 7 strips - 7 colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. Crafts from plasticine: paintings 5. Blind spot sun, rays and white clouds. Pictures of plasticine do it yourself: master class 6. Strip the rainbow in the hands of the arc and lay on the disc. How to make a picture of plasticine 7. Carefully cut off the excess on the horizon line. Pictures from plasticine: master class 8. Stick the clouds, the sun and the rays. A picture of plasticine for the child is ready. Handmade plasticine pictures 9. It remains only to tape the rope with adhesive tape so that the crafts can be hung. Let your picture and the child differ. Pictures from plasticine for children Do not forget that the child develops and sees the world brighter and more fun. Pictures of plasticine This is just one of the ideas for plasticine.creativity. It is possible to spend all unnecessary discs in this way, creating with your own hands a whole collection of pictures from plasticine. It can be trees - it is interesting to blind not one but four pictures with a tree, one for each season, at the same time securing information about the seasons. Pets? Why not! Adventures of your favorite cartoon characters? Fine! Just let the conceived theme correspond to the capabilities of the baby. Work should be by age, not abound with unnecessary details, if the fingers and the nature of the child do not allow to perform too painstaking crafts. Sure, your child himself will offer a lot of ideas for creating plasticine paintings. Do not miss the chance to communicate with your child like this, on the same creative wave. Good luck! Valenti specifically for the site Previous article: Next article:

