Alphabet from felt by one's own hands, patterns, video / Toys by own hands, patterns, video, MK
There has been a sharp increase in popularity in recent timeseducational toys for children. With their help it is easy to teach a child to read. Interactive books, puzzles and cubes with letters, toy phones - all this is sold in large children's stores. But such goods are expensive, and do not serve for long. It is much more interesting to make an educational alphabet from felt with your own hands.
What can not we do without?
To make an alphabet for a small child, you will need the following materials:
- Felt of different colors (the wider the palette, the better);
- colored thread floss;
- satin ribbon;
- templates of letters and drawings.
Please note: it's more interesting to draw the templates yourself - then the alphabet will turn out to be unique, author's. On the Internet you can pick up the alphabet under the floor of your child:
- for the boy - with images of the airplane, ship, ball;
- for the girl - with images of a doll, a dress, a cake, bows.
We offer our selection of letter patterns:
You will also need tools and fittings:
- needles;
- scissors;
- sewing machine (optional);
- line;
- eyelets;
- metal rings for binder;
- hole puncher.
Collecting the whole set, you can start to work and make one of three variations of the alphabet.
ABC book
The first type of felt alphabet is an album, on each page of which are placed:
- the letter itself;
- image of any item whose name begins with this letter.
Recommendations for those who draw templates themselves:
Please note: the drawings can be made a little abstract – this will make them easier to complete. Avoid an abundance of colorful details. The child should see the whole picture.
To sew an alphabet book, use the following instructions:
Please note: each letter has a separate square. Russian "ь", "ы", "ъ" are placed on one square without any illustrations.
The felt alphabet is almost ready, all that remains is to assemble all the parts into a single composition:
This alphabet will be an excellent aid for your child in learning letters.
Volumetric letters
The volumetric alphabet made of felt with animals is very popular. It allows you to learn not only letters, but also new types of animals.It is done as follows:
Hang the ABC book in your child's room and learn new animals together. Other ideas with images of not only animals, but also objects:
A felt alphabet is a useful thing that allows you to teach your child the basics of their native language in a playful way.