Aging effect for a box - vintage decoupage with your own hands

Aging effect for a box - vintage decoupage with your own hands

The technique of vintage decoupage is distinguished by its special approach to work and an unconventional view of ordinary things.

Aging effect for a box - vintage decoupage with your own hands

We can prepare the base and also decorateit as we wish. But, as the main element of the outline, we will use a simple idea of ​​the aging effect, with the help of which we will work on the graphic element. Graphic aging - objectsThe aging effect for the casket is a vintage decoupage by one's own hands. Photo №1

  • You will need a wooden blank.
  • Decoupage cards or napkins for work on materials
  • Nazhdachka
  • PVA-adhesive
  • Adhesive for decoupage
  • Colors of acrylic (white, brown)
  • Sponges
  • Candle or wax
  • Decor elements
  • Screwdriver
  • Scotch

The aging effect for the casket is a vintage decoupage by one's own hands. Photo # 2Let's start working on our decoupage.First of all, it is necessary to make a blank of the box so that it is suitable for our work. To do this, it is necessary to sand the base of the box using sandpaper. Go over each corner of our future box, removing various irregularities or rough surfaces. The metal elements of the lining of the box should be removed using a screwdriver. This will make it easier to work on the base of the product. Vintage style box Then, it is necessary to tint the product. This is necessary so that the textured part of the wooden cover shines through under the drawing of the future product. Also, you should use vintage filters. Here we mix paints in two color solutions. Before painting the product, each edge of the product should be pasted over with tape. This way, the paint will not get inside and create an untidy appearance. In the first layer, we will use brown acrylic paint. Then, carefully cover the entire surface of the box (the outer part), after which we wait about 30 minutes for our workpiece to dry. After this, it is necessary to apply a varnish surface. We wait some time until the varnish dries and recreate the effect of wear. A wax candle will allow you to recreate the worn effect of the product. Then, we will apply a second layer of acrylic varnish. Wax will not allow the coating to fix, which will recreate the effect of cracked paint, which could be removed. Through it, we will see the remains of the dark layer below.The aging effect for the casket is a vintage decoupage by one's own hands. Picture №3After this, we will proceed to applying the second,a light layer of white acrylic paint. Rub the box with sandpaper after the light layer dries. Then, sand the areas where wax was applied until you get a brown shade. Wipe the product, remove dust from the product. Vintage style drawing Our background is processed. It is necessary to transfer the drawing to the product. Separate the top layer or picture from the decoupage card, napkin. Determine which part of your illustration will be placed on the product. Then, use your hands to tear off our picture. With scissors, we will get smooth edges, while in decoupage it is better to recreate the effect of a smooth transition. Place the napkin in the right place, then, using a brush, apply glue to the product. Glue from the middle part to the edge of the product. Then, iron the folds, various roughness. After, wait until the drawing dries. Using a sponge, we process the product with an imprint using a sponge. We make the imprint in the rib parts of the product, on the edge. Thus, the effect of antiquity will become even more noticeable.The aging effect for the casket is a vintage decoupage by one's own hands. Photo №4After the drawing has dried, apply varnish,which was intended to cover wooden products. You can take water-based varnish. It dries faster. After that, we decorate the box, screw our iron elements with a screwdriver.The aging effect for the casket is a vintage decoupage by one's own hands. Photo №5Then, we use scrapbooking elements to age the product. You can paint the product using gold and dark shadow pads. We use a sponge for this.

