Almost perfect embroidery and reverse side (photo and video)
- Ways to properly fix the thread
- Video: how to fix the thread at the beginning and at the end of the embroidery
- The correct reverse side for cross stitch
- Ideal reverse side for embroidery
- Wriggery in Machine Embroidery
- Video: lessons of the perfect wrong side in embroidery with a cross
To achieve the perfect backside, you need to study the features
that will help with this.An ideal reverse side is not at all necessary when embroidering, but it is very convenient: you can immediately see all the mistakes and if you need to undo something, it is quite easy to do. The beautiful reverse side looks like this: all stitches are directed in one direction, there are no knots or broaches. Many people believe that a poorly executed reverse side spoils the face of the painting - this is true. Experience in embroidering the perfect back side comes with time if the embroiderer strives to make it so and tries.
Ways to properly fix the thread
To properly finish the embroidery, you just need to hit the needle with already prepared crosses, stretch the thread and cut it.
Video: how to fix the thread at the beginning and at the end of the embroidery
The correct reverse side for cross stitch
Almost everyone who aspires to an ideal wrong side,Should learn the rules of cross stitching, look for detailed master classes and video lessons that will tell in detail about the intricacies of this work. Let's consider how to fill a rectangle with a cross so that the ideal underside turns out.
To start embroidering, you need to fasten the thread using any of the methods discussed above. Then we start working from the bottom row of the rectangle. Row
, hold the needle with the sharp side up.Then there should be a transition to the top row, which we embroider in a half-cross, but the needle is pointing down. When we complete the entire rectangle in this way, you need to go back, closing the half-crosses. The rectangle is almost ready, all that remains is to stretch the needle and thread under the crosses and cut it.
Embroidery lessons include the ability to make not only drawings of rectangular shapes, but also work on the diagonal. Learning this is almost as easy as learning to embroider a rectangle.
To obtain a diagonal with a perfect purlside it is necessary to alternate the lower and upper cross stitch. When the diagonal reaches the desired length, go back, closing the half-crosses. It is important to remember that under the top stitches you need to thread the thread from below. Having finished closing the half-crosses correctly, you will get a perfect wrong side.
Embroidery lovers and those striving for the perfect backside will face some difficulties:
When you embroider a design, do not do itin rows, but by regions. Before you begin, mentally imagine exactly how you will embroider. Think it over - only then proceed. The main thing to remember is that initially the area is filled in one direction with a half-cross, after which you need to go back.
If you need to return in the direction of the upperstitch, be sure to pass the thread from the bottom so as not to overlap it and spoil the front side of the picture. If you are new to embroidery, be sure to watch the video tutorials, which will make it very easy to understand the technique of embroidering the perfect backside. Remember a few rules:
Ideal reverse side for embroidery
Parallel satin stitches After cross stitch, the most popular is considered
. There are several types of satin stitch, but in any case, the ideal reverse side will be when it is almost identical to the front side of the embroidery.
The main thing is to make sure that all stitches areparallel. Their size and direction may vary. To ensure that when embroidering with satin stitch the reverse side is perfect, use the following thread fastening options:
Securing the thread at the end of the satin stitch embroidery methodloops - take a single thread a little larger than necessary. Insert the needle into the fabric and pull it out until a small loop remains on the wrong side. The needle should return to the fabric so that it, together with the thread, passes through this loop;
Using the perpendicular stitch method, a small stitch is made, and the next one is made perpendicular to the first. Pull the needle and thread out so that it tightens the stitch.
When a section of work is completed, thento finish it, you need to go to the wrong side of the work and hide the thread under the stitches, or make a couple of small stitches on the front side, which will then be covered with a further pattern.
Wriggery in Machine Embroidery
The reverse side of machine embroidery in satin stitch The principle of operation, rules and calculations are completely different from those discussed above. At
the wrong side is almost perfect, but often a problemcreate sticking tails and fastenings that have to be manually hidden under the embroidery. If you simply cut off the imperfections of the work, the embroidery will fall apart after the first wash.
To make the ends completely invisible, you can try to adjust the embroidery process. Then the front side will look perfect.
Video: lessons of the perfect wrong side in embroidery with a cross