Alternative Christmas trees: silhouettes on the wall
The long-standing tradition of decorating the Christmas tree isan invariable attribute of the winter holidays. Today, the classic spruce with colorful balls and lights may not be a spruce at all and not even a tree! In addition to the traditional pine, you can add alternative Christmas trees to your holiday interior decor. Wall tree silhouettes are especially suitable for those who do not have room in the room for a live pine tree, do not have the opportunity to put it up because of pets, or simply feel sorry for the cut down forest beauty. Use natural elements to create decorative images of a Christmas tree with your own hands. Since we need to depict a tree, use branches, wooden planks, boards and bars, log cuts, etc. Forget about the classic pine branch decorationLED garlands - lanterns. Why not make the whole tree lights? Hang the garland in a zigzag pattern on the wall, drawing an abstract silhouette of a Christmas tree, or create a more traditional and recognizable image of a tree. It is customary to decorate the Christmas tree with balls, snowflakes,toys and other traditional New Year's decorations. Throw away conservatism, look around and create a Christmas tree on the wall from a variety of objects - from paper clips and buttons to framed photographs!If you love classic Christmas tree decorations, great, place them in the shape of a tree of any size anywhere that needs a festive atmosphere - on a wall, window, door or ceiling. Finally, just draw a stylized tree on the wall, stick on stickers or cut it out of paper! After all, the most important thing is a cheerful and joyful mood not only during holidays, but all year round!