Animals from beads and 3D schemes for them.
Volumetric beading patterns were inventedspecially for handicraft lovers to be able to create small copies of any animals. With the help of special materials, it has become much easier to do this. It is clearly clear that not all animal patterns made from beads will be understandable for ordinary people. But, if you use popular materials and delve into the essence of the material, everything becomes extremely clear.For those who want to learn how to make from beadsany animal, we will provide as an example a special pattern that is suitable for weaving a toy pig. A large number of beading patterns for volumetric animals must be started from the back so that the process is as simple as possible. For convenience, all beads will be numbered, since there will be a lot of actions to repeat. This will help you not to get confused in the material. It is necessary to make rings from eight beads.
Now you need to add beads from the ninth to the twelfth bead, the threads in the beads should not intersect.
The red thread must be passed through one bead, and three beads from the thirteenth to the fifteenth must be placed on the black one.
This step is very simple, you need to pass the red thread through the fifteenth.
Now you need to pass the black thread through the second bead, and then put three beads from the sixteenth to the eighteenth on the red one.
Next, the threads should pass parallel to each other, through the eighteenth bead.
We do the same thing, we pass one end through the third bead, and beads from the nineteenth to the twenty-first are put on the second.
Afterwards, you need to cross the threads in the twenty-first bead and you also have one circle of beads in the amount of five. The main weaving in this case will consist of similar steps.
One end should go to beads number 4, and on the other you need to put beads from the twenty-second to the twenty-fourth.
Then, through the twenty-fourth bead, you need to pass the threads in a cross pattern.
Next, we repeat the action. One end goes into the fifth bead, and the second one goes into three beads from the twenty-fifth to the twenty-seventh.
Afterwards, we close everything on the twenty-seventh bead.using a cross. As was said earlier, the elements of bead weaving of various figures combine the same links. Therefore, we continue in the same order as before. We will need to pass a thread to one end on the sixth bead, and then, on the second end, put three beads from the twenty-eighth to the thirtieth.
On the thirtieth we close the circle.
Next comes the last link for this row. The end of the thread should be passed through the seventh and eighth bead, and on the black line add the thirty-first and thirty-second respectively.
At the thirty-second bead the threads intersect.
Next, we continue to string beads using the same pattern. At one end through the ninth bead, at the other end from the thirty-third to the thirty-sixth.
In the thirty-sixth we pass both crosswise.
This way you will be able to shape the body formany types of animals. In fact, their shape is almost identical and the same, and you can diversify it by manipulating beads. You will be able to make a very beautiful craft.