Anthurium from beads master class and weave scheme (photo)

Anthurium from beads master class and weave scheme (photo)


Anthurium is a beautiful and interesting flower.Its petal and leaves are similar to each other, so in order to weave such a strict plant from beads, you need to master the master class on weaving only one basic element.
Anthurium looks very attractive and brightfrom red beads. But beaded floristry knows no bounds and you can create your own unusual combinations to create an original product with your own hands.

Weave anthurium flower from beads according to scheme

To make an anthurium of beads we will need:

  • Red beads (it is better that it was matte);
  • Golden seed beads;
  • Wire for beadwork 0.3 mm in diameter;
  • Thick wire rod (to form a stem);
  • Leaves (artificial);
  • Flower ribbon of green color;
  • Pot or other container (for planting a flower).

For weaving anthurium flower from beads, we use the following scheme:

First, we create an inflorescence (cob).We string a sufficient number of golden beads on the wire. Next, we take a small strong piece of wire and begin to wind our wire in a circle with the created low (on the diagram this process is marked with numbers 1 and 2). We must form an inflorescence three centimeters long.
Let's move on directly to the production of the main oneanthurium details in the form of the so-called "cover". Our petal is formed from the central row. Such a row includes twenty-one red beads. Focusing on figures 3 and 4 of the diagram, we begin weaving on the wire.

After the formation of the main row is completed,we prepare the next wire segment and thread it through the fifth bead, as shown in the figure under No. 5. It is necessary to string seven red beads on the ends of the wires formed on both sides of the central row. Next, you need to thread the ends of the wires through bead under number six in the central row. In this way, we form one loop on each side. We continue weaving in this way, stringing the number of red beads indicated in the figure No. 5, to create subsequent loops.
The remaining 6 loops need to be crossed,using the drawing #5 as a guide. After finishing the weaving, we shape the created petal with our own hands. We do it this way: insert the wire into the third bead of the central row and pass it through all the beads of the created loops along the edge of the petal. Among each of the loops, it is necessary to string the same number of beads as indicated in the drawing #6 of the diagram.
With this interesting method of stringing loops with the main row, you can create other color variations of anthurium from beads.
Let's start assembling the flower.To do this, take a thick piece of wire and attach the inflorescence and petal of the anthurium to it. The formed stem of the flower must be wrapped with a green floral tape. Next, take the prepared container and place the flower with artificial leaves in it, which must be strengthened with alabaster or gypsum mortar. Decorate the base with a tape and admire the finished flower arrangement.
We hope this master class on weaving anthurium using a pattern will inspire you to create an original flower.

Step-by-step photo master class on weaving anthurium

Let's consider a detailed lesson of weaving the basic details of anthurium from beads, using the French technique of weaving.
Weaving of anthurium flower

Weaving and assembling the inflorescence

Weaving leaves

Color assembly

Video: Anthurium of beads by own hands

