Anti-stress pillows toys with their own hands, patterns, video / Toys with their hands, patterns, video, MK

Anti-stress pillows toys with their own hands, patterns, video / Toys with their hands, patterns, video, MK

How fun to play with a goat that does notor with a ladybug that does not fly away. It's great that after the evening fun and mother's fairy tales, the pillow-toy dog ​​is so comfortably laid under the cheek of a tired child. It is not necessary to spend money to have such anti-stress pillow toys or funny sofa in your house. You can just sit down and sew a soft animal with your own hands. Even better, if you do this with the active help of the baby. Then certainly this piece will become his most favorite toy. For work we will need:

  • sewing machine;
  • the cloth;
  • thread, needle;
  • safety pins;
  • sintepon;
  • granules of polymer or groats (buckwheat, peas, rice);
  • braid;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • Ruler.

Panda Pillow

panda pillowIt is necessary to prepare a small cut of white cloth for the muzzle (approximately 50 cm) and as much black for the nape. The remaining parts are small in size.

  • We make a drawing of all the details on paper in full size. The muzzle of a panda is approximately 30 cm in diameter.
  • We transfer everything to the fabric and cut it out. We add all the elements to see what we should get as a result.
  • We fasten with English pins and sew black eye elements.
  • Sew our nose, white elements and eyes-buttons to them.
  • Thick thread embroider a sad smile.
  • We make ears. To do this, first we sew the halves of the ears in pairs, add a little inward to the sintepon and sew it up.
  • Now we need to fold the front and back partshead with the wrong side out, stitched around the perimeter, leaving 4 cm in order to unscrew the pillow. Do not forget that when you scribe, the ears should be inside the pillow.
  • Turn the product out, stuff the sintepon inside, gently sew up the hole. Funny sofa cushion ready.

    There was a pink elephant on the couch

    elephant pillowIt will be very interesting to sing for a child a song aboutpink elephant, clearly demonstrating to him what he can be a nice soft toy. In order for this elephant to appear in the nursery, it is necessary to purchase a pink fabric and a wide braid (5-7 cm) in tone. Make a drawing and cut out a pattern. Then transfer it to the paper and cut it, leaving the line 1 cm for the seam. Sew from the priests (there will be fastenedtail) tape all along the perimeter of the pattern first to one half of the elephant, then also to the second half. I advise you first sweep, so that there are no distortions and mismatches. Sew ears. You can put inside some hard fabric, or you can just tune them on the typewriter. Make beads eyes, tail and ears. By the way, it's more convenient to make the tail of the usual rope, slightly spreading the tip, like a brush and fixing it, so as not to spread out further. The elephant is ready to sing a song for your child.

    Hare - the most patriotic toy

    hare pillowAnd, really! What are we all looking for in exotics: a panda, an elephant ... Let's do our native fairy bunny now. Moreover, except for any fabric and great desire, nothing is needed for this. We do the same as for an elephant, first a pattern on paper. Do not be afraid of inaccuracies. Do not be scared if your hare is a little thicker or taller than me. It's your hare! Cut out the resulting fabric patterns: two details of the trunk and 4 details of the ears. Draw on the front side of the muzzle, eyes, you can sew a bow or pocket for it. Sweep your ears and turn them out. Now you can fill the inside with a sintepon and sew them to one of the halves of the hare. Sew the pillow, leaving a small unstrung hole. Fill the filler inside and sew a hole. For visuality, you can tie a gray friend around your neck with a tie or bow.

    Skoda cat

    Who lays the best tales and songs? Of course, this is such a soft, fluffy, tailed mouser. Sew it as easy as a hare. We need a piece of cloth 100x100 mm. If there is not a single piece, you will get a wonderful multi-colored cat. For claws you can use wavy braid. The order of the work is the same as when sewing a rabbit. Cut out, weed, translate them to fabric, cut out details, embroider a smile, sew on buttons, eyes and nose. Already sewed and filled with sintepon limbs andtail to the body. Here in this toy you can use as a filler polymer granules or croup. They are often used to develop tactile sensations in a child. You can fill either the legs of the cat and the tail. And only after that we sew the two halves of the pillow to each other. This is done on the wrong side. The tail and four paws should be inside the bag. Leave a hole between your ears, through which you pull them out, turning the animal out. Adorable shod cat from modern cartoons is ready for pranks.


    antistress pillowWhat is good about this cushion cushion, so it's thatshe is not a pillow! Yes, yes, this is a usual (rather, unusual) pillowcase. It is sewn from a red fabric into a black peas. It will look good any terry material, plush or panbarhat. Two round halves with a diameter of 50 mm are stitched together not to the end. Side by the wing of the ladybird is inserted an ordinary zipper closure about 25 cm long. The head of the ladybird can be made from an old sock and filled with a sintepon or granules. Eyes, as usual, we do from the buttons. In this pillowcase you can shove a standard pillow 50x50 cm or sew a special round inner cushion for it.

