How to crochet boots, step by step photos anddescription of knitting, patterns and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a “scales” pattern, beautiful boots with ties decorated with pompoms

How to crochet boots, step by step photos anddescription of knitting, patterns and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a “scales” pattern, beautiful boots with ties decorated with pompoms

Nowadays boots are an integral partженского гардероба. Для зимних холодов существуют теплые модели кожи, с мехом и рельефной подошвой. Осенние модели сберегают женские ножки от промокания, ну а летние сапожки становятся просто красивым и стильным аксессуаром. Когда же появились сапоги? По археологическим данным появление обуви датируется примерно 25 – 30 тысяч лет назад в Северной Америке. Существуют также немного образцы, обнаруженные позднее на территории древнего Египта, в Африке. В те времена обувь сильно зависела от климатических условий. В жарких странах греки, римляне и египтяне древности носили преимущественно сандалии, тогда как северные народы отдавали предпочтение теплым кожаным башмачкам и сапожкам. Скифы предпочитали мягкие, узкие и высокие кожаные сапоги, в которые заправляли штаны. Они напоминали чулок и к ноге прикреплялись специальными ремешками. Такие изделия украшали вышивкой и мехом. В то время сапоги носили и женщины, и мужчины, при этом женские модели были с короткими голенищами, и делали их из кожи красного цвета. Этот цвет считался наиболее красивым. Зачастую их вышивали орнаментальными узорами. В Европе сапожки впервые упоминаются в XV веке. Они служили преимущественно мужской обувью для верховой езды. Это были очень длинные, выше бедер модели. Во времена французского короля Людовика XIV весьма популярны были ботфорты, имевшие квадратные носки, высокие каблуки и шпоры. В середине XVIII века становятся модными яркие и остроносые модели. К XIX веку она постепенно сменяется популярностью полуботинок, отороченных мехом. Как и многие другие вещи, сапоги в самом начале были показателем социальной ступени и уровня богатства человека. Например, на Руси только высшие сословия щеголяли в сафьяновых сапожках, тогда как у простых людей на ногах были лапти и поршни. Во времена правления Петра І популярность сапог стала гораздо меньшей, но уже к концу XIX – началу XX столетий практически все мужчины России носили сапоги. В женском варианте существовало укороченное голенище и оторочка красным сафьяном или сукном. ХХ век ознаменовался еще и созданием асимметричной стельки, которая повторяла очертания стопы, до этого обувь не разделялась на правый и левый сапог. Сейчас можно найти модель на любой вкус, из самых разных материалов, с каблуками, на танкетке или ровной подошве. Как и всякий аксессуар, влияющий на весь образ, сапожки ручной работы будут всегда вне конкуренции. Одной из разновидностей таких изделий будут сапоги, связанные крючком. В этой статье мы предложим несколько вариантов моделей сапог, связанных крючком. У них у всех будет одна общая черта – готовая подошва. А дальше возможны варианты. Первый из них – дать вторую жизнь старой обуви. Вполне возможно у Вас лежит без дела пара туфель, сапог или даже балеток, верх у которых испорчен. Возможно, он был испачкан, порван или просто износился, но у этой пары очень удобная колодка. Тогда Ваши новые сапоги ни при каких обстоятельствах не натрут ножки и станут отличным новым, красивым аксессуаром в гардеробе. Второй вариант – новая подошва. Тут тоже есть простор для творческой деятельности и фантазии рукодельниц. Например, можно выполнить вязаную часть, а затем отнести сапожки в обувную мастерскую и поручить прикрепление подошвы специалисту. Другим вариантом может послужить покупка удобных тапочек, возможно даже домашних, и превращение их в красивые сапожки. Обычно у такой обуви удобная, мягкая и очень часто прорезиненная подошва. Сапожки на такой основе отлично выдержат уличную непогоду. Следующим шагом будет выбор ниток. Все будет зависеть от того, для какого сезона Вы будете вязать сапоги. Если хотите сделать плотные сапоги для осени или весны, используйте пряжу из смеси шерсти и акрила. Последнего должно быть больше, именно за счет искусственной акриловой составляющей изделие будет неколючим, приятным в носке и долговечным. Для летних моделей выбирайте хлопковые или смесовые нитки с добавлением того же акрила, вискозы. Легкие и дышащие, такие ниточки отлично подойдут для теплой погоды, и ножкам будет в них комфортно.

Crochet boots

Option 1How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternYou will need:

  • Yarn 80% acrylic, 20% wool (in this master class black and yellow, but you can, of course, choose other colors) 135 m / 50 g;
  • Yarn "grass" yellow color;
  • Hook No. 3;
  • Slippers with a comfortable sole without a back;
  • Awl.

We will knit with a thread in two folds. The fabric part of the slipper's nose must be cut off, leaving the very tip. We don’t throw it away; it will come in handy later.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternNow you need to use an awl to make holes onequal distance around the perimeter of the slipper. We pierce the side with an awl so as to capture part of the rubberized sole and insole. Now you need to make stitches with black yarn, as in the photo. We fasten the thread, but do not tear it off.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a pattern How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternWe knit 1 row with connecting posts. The number of loops in each stitch will depend on the width of the stitch and the thickness of the yarn.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternWe knit the next row st. s/n yellow threads.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternWhat follows is a series of articles. non-woven thread of a contrasting (in this case black) color. These two rows covered the rubberized part of the sole, and we began knitting the nose of the boot.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternTo do this, you will need a fabric part that was cut off earlier. On paper you need to make a pattern for the nose using the dimensions of the cut out part.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternUsing them we calculate the loops and knit the nose of the st. s/n.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternAdvice!Record all your actions and calculations performed. This will help when knitting the second boot. Now you need to sew or tie the s.s. spout to harness. Try on the product; you may need to adjust the number of loops.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternThe next stage – knitting heels. We fulfill Art. s/n. We attach to the sides of the spout using s.s. You will need approximately 2-3 rows.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternNext we knit 2 rows of st.b/n with yellow thread and another with black yarn. We knit the last row in a circle. This will be needed for a convenient transition to knitting the boot. Knitting the heel is finished.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternAccording to the pattern below, we knit the bootleg.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternFirst r. 3 v.p.p. 1 ch, 3 tbsp.s/n in the same base loop, * ch 1, skip 3 loops, 1 tbsp. b/n, ch 1, skip 3 loops, knit in the 4th stitch (3 st. s/n, 1 ch, 3 st. s/n)*, continue from *, end row 2 sts . s/n in the first loop and 2 s.s. Second r. 1 vp, *3 vp, now we knit 3 tbsp. s/n with a common base and top in st. b/n first row, again 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n in 1 v.p. between triplets st. s/n from one base*. We continue from *, ending with 1 s.s. We knit all subsequent odd rows like the first, even ones – like the second one. The pattern will be in a checkerboard pattern, shifting every two rows.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternBoot length – individual. We knit the last two rows of the pattern with a contrasting thread.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternThen we tie two rows of art. s/n yarn of the second color. Now you need to tie it with “grass” yarn. For this, you can take a hook of a larger number.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternNow we knit a strap for decoration with a yellow threadcolors. First row st. b/n. second row st. s/n and third row st. b/n. the length will depend on the circumference of the ankle. Now you need to knit the chain v.p. black yarn the same length as the strap, and insert it between st. s/n.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternSew on the strap. We decorate the outside with a button. All that remains is to knit a pair of boots. Option 2 For those who prefer refined and elegant simplicity, we offer the following options.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a pattern How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternThe principle of attachment to the sole and knittingis the same. You can use different colors as decoration by tying the boot tops with stripes or decorating them with flowers. Option 3 Crochet boots with a “scales” patternHow to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternThis knitting option is also called"crocodile skin". Not a single animal will be harmed, and you will become the owner of boots made of “crocodile skin”. In this model, it will be necessary to attach the sole after knitting, since here we also make the insole using a hook. Of course, you can take the finished sole and perform the manipulations described above for tying it. Then knit according to the spout pattern suggested below. Try it, experiment. We start knitting from the sole. The work will take place in a circle (or rather an oval, but the principle is the same). In order to calculate the number of chain stitches in a cast-on row, you need to measure the length of the foot and its width. Now we subtract the second from the first value. The resulting number* will be the length of the initial chain. We knit a sample of 10 x 10 cm and calculate the number of loops* in one centimeter. We multiply two numbers with * and get the number of loops in the cast-on row. So, a chain of v.p. dialed.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternFirst r. 3 v.p.p. and another 5 tbsp.s/n into the same base loop. Now we knit st. s/n. in the last loop we knit 6 tbsp. s/n and move on to knitting on the second side of the cast-on row. We finish 1 s.s. in the 3rd v.p.p. Second r. 3 v.p.p. + 1 tbsp. s/n in the same loop, in the next five loops we knit 2 tbsp. s/n with a common basis, then 1 tbsp. s/n. In 6 tbsp. s/n knitted from a common base we knit 2 tbsp. s/n. On the second side of the oval we continue to knit st. s/n. We finish 1 s.s. in the 3rd v.p.p. Third r. We already have a small oval. The narrow sides consist of two st. s/n, knitted from one base, 12 loops from each edge. We knit 2 tbsp into these loops. s/n with a common base, alternating with 1 tbsp. s/n. This makes 18 loops. Next we knit 1 tbsp. s/n on the wide sides. In the fourth row along the edges on 18 loops we knit 2 tbsp. s/n with a common base, alternating with 2 tbsp. s/n. This makes 24 loops. We knit the wide sides as usual, without any increases. Next, knit by analogy, increasing the number of loops on two opposite sides of the oval. In the fifth row we alternate 2 tbsp. s/n with a common base and 3 tbsp. s/n. in the sixth – from 4 tbsp. s/n. The size of the sole is determined individually. You can make a drawing of the foot and periodically try on the work. When the sole is finished, continue knitting the toe and heel without tearing off the thread. Thanks to the elastic pattern of embossed columns, the finished boot will fit snugly on the foot. Below is an approximate knitting pattern. The pattern will be preserved, only the number of loops in the rows will change.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternWe knit one (first) row with simple stitches.s/n without increases. Second r. we knit in a circle with relief purl (concave) stitches. s/n. Please note that the diagram shows wider rows – this is the heel and toe. Third r. We knit alternating convex and concave columns. It turns out an elastic band 1 x 1. Follow the diagram. Try on the boot periodically to adjust the number of eyelets. To move on to knitting the boot, you need to knit 1-2 rows of simple stitches. s/n. We begin to knit the boot with a “scales” pattern. The work is done in a circle. Below is the diagram.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternFirst r. 3 v.p.p. + 1 tbsp.s/n in the same loop, *2 ch, skip 2 loops, 2 tbsp. s/n with a common basis *, continue from *. Second r. we knit in the opposite direction, using the bodies of double crochets as a base. 3 vp, 4 tbsp. s/n (insert a hook between two stitches s/n and the right column serves as the base) + 1 ch. + 5 tbsp. s/n (we insert a hook between two stitches, s/n, and the left column serves as the base). For convenience, we turn the knitting upside down. Every first 2 tbsp. s/n with a common base serve as an arch for (5 treble s/n + 1 vp + 5 treble s/n). Every second 2 tbsp. We do not knit s/n with a common base; when transitioning between scales, we perform 1 ch. Third r. Turn the knitting back over. We knit similarly to the first row. Fourth r. we knit “scales” staggered relative to the second row. The height of the boot will depend only on your desire. Last row: perform st. b/n. As an additional decoration, you can sew a button along the outer edge. Option 4 Crochet boots with funny pom-pomsHow to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternWe also make this model with a knitted sole. You will need:

  • Thin and thick acrylic yarn;
  • Hooks number 4,5 and number 5.

The sole is knitted similarly to the previous model.You can choose any other oval pattern on the Internet. We knit the last row without increasing st. b/n. We knit the upper part not from bottom to top, but along one long and narrow fabric. Using crochet number 5 we make a chain of 17 chain stitches. thread in two layers (thick + thin). We knit in return rows with crochet number 4.5 half stitch. s/n for the back half-loop. When the length of the fabric reaches the circumference of the leg (this is approximately 30 rows), we finish knitting. We connect the resulting ribbon into a ring. We fasten the thread, cut it and hide it. We will knit the boot from the top of the boot, securing the loops of the first row into the side stitches. s/n, they act as a typesetting row. We knit in return rows. First r. knit, alternating 2 tbsp. s/n in 1 side half-stitch. s/n and 1 tbsp. s/n in 1 side half-stitch. s/n. We perform the second, third and fourth rows with relief stitches. s/n. Starting from the fifth row, we narrow the shaft. To do this, select 4 symmetrical loops at an equal distance from each other. We knit this row st. s/n, in the marked loop we perform 2 tbsp. s/n with a common vertex. We knit behind the back wall. From the 6th to the 9th rows we knit with relief stitches. s/n. 10th r. We knit similarly to the 5th, decreasing four loops at an equal distance. We perform the 11th and 12th rows with relief stitches. s/n. We begin to knit the instep of the boot. Beginning of the 13th row – this is the central point of the future heel. We select the opposite central point of the future nose. We also mark the loop before and after it. Now we knit st. b/n to the loop in front of the middle loop of the spout. Here we knit 10 ch. and knit 3 vp in them. and then a row of st. s/n. We now have a branch for the spout. We fasten this strip from Art. s/n on the boot in the loop located after the third marked one. We knit further st. b/n. We finish 1 s.s. We will perform the following rows in a circle st. s/n. 14th r. At 3 v.p.p. we knit branches for the spout 5 tbsp. s/n. we finish row 1 s.s. in the 3rd v.p.p. 15th r. performed similarly to the 14th, in 5 tbsp. s/n, knitted in an arch of 3 ch. nose, we knit 2 tbsp. s/n with a common basis. Now the width of the spout is already 10 loops. We knit the 16th and 17th rows without increasing st. s/n. We turn the work and knit the 18th row of half stitches. s/n. fasten the thread. Now you need to connect the parts using 1 row of s.s. The line will be embossed. The seam of the connection of the upper part of the boot (it is located across the rest of the knitting) is located at the back. It is necessary to knit a chain of vp with a thread in two folds. approximately 1 meter long. Mark its center and secure it to this seam. Attach 1 pompom to each end. How to make pompoms To create pompoms you will need two cardboard circles. They need to cut out the central round part and a small piece along the radius.How to crochet boots, step-by-step photos and descriptions of knitting, diagrams and images of several models, openwork boots, a model with a patternFold the circles so that all the cut out partscoincided. Now we begin to wind the thread without breaking away from the ball. The larger and tighter the winding, the fluffier and more magnificent the pompom will turn out. When you consider the number of turns sufficient, you need to use scissors to cut the wound threads along the circle. Now you need to slightly separate one cardboard from the other and place a piece of thread in the resulting hole. Now we tie it around a bunch of threads, straighten the cut ends and remove the cardboards. Shake and get a cute pompom. We attach them to the ends of the chains and tie them beautifully, making several turns around the leg.

