How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos

How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos

Those who like to build something new and create interesting objects also often turn to traditional art, which is also present in the polymer clay theme.

How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos

How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Photo №1This lesson will tell you how we canmake a suitable form for our doll, what materials we will need for this and what should be used at the time of creating such a special object.

  • It will be necessary to use polymer clay from the special brand Fimo Puppen.
  • It will be necessary to use molds made of silicone
  • It is necessary to use surfaces for work - this can be glass or a ceramic plate on a smooth surface.
  • Special cuts for polymers (knives)
  • Set of stacks

How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Photo # 2First, we need to preparean appropriate image that will suit our figure. These are the parameters of the pose, the dimensions of the figure, its external characteristics. In addition, it is best to work out these parameters on paper, using a pencil. As a basis, you can take a ready-made version or an illustration. When the drawing is ready and the picture is clear, start developing.How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Picture №3For beginners in this field, it is necessaryuse silicone molds to create a human shape. You can buy such a mold on handicraft sites on the Internet. A special plastic is used for plastic dolls, which will be harder than usual. Therefore, the material should be carefully processed and heated.How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Photo №4Doll's body We make the body of our future dolldolls. First, you need to tightly tamp a piece of the desired size into a special recess form. After that, wait for it to cool and cut off what did not fit into the plate-form. Without damaging this part, we take it out of the form. You can also additionally secure this form by placing the desired piece in the freezer. This procedure should be done twice. We will get two parts for the future body. The part that will be the front - should remain without any special changes. For the second, you need to give it a special look that will emphasize the shape of the back. Using your fingers, we do the procedure of smoothing the collarbones, neck (notch) and chest. Using your fingers and a stack, we will make seams between these elements. Smooth the seams carefully so that they do not diverge in the future.How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Photo №5 How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Photo №6Working on the waist.To do this, you need to flatten the ball and make a suitable shape that will match the parameters of the width and body. We also smooth out subsequent seams. The main feature of plastic is the ability to bake an element more than once. The body needs to be baked for 15 minutes at a temperature of 130 degrees (Celsius) Doll's headHow to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Photo №7Next, we form the doll’s head.It can be made according to the shape of the face, as well as the back of the head, respectively. Also, you can make a recess that is filled with foil. Thus, the doll will be lighter and we do not use a lot of plastic. The face is formed. With the help of stacks, we correct our errors, create our own vision of the doll's face.How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Photo №8Doll's legsHow to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Photo Number 9Forming the legs requires creating two parts.- front side and inside. We fill the plastics for two legs. After, it is necessary to take out and combine our parts. For this doll, a sitting version was selected, so it will be in a special position. We iron the seams.How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Picture №10Using a blade, cut off unnecessary materials (ankle or under the knee). The second leg should be the same, both in size and in visual qualities. After - it is necessary to connect the legs and the body. The body in this case is already ready and it will not be damaged, we fix it with a ball of the plate, with which we will connect the two elements. Two pieces of the ball will become a bridge between the legs and the body. Next, it is necessary to determine the fit of the future figure. It is necessary to smooth the seams at the moment where the hips and legs will be connected.How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Photo Number 11Preparing the doll for bakingHow to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Photo number 12 How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Photo №13Just create smooth type transitions.No one requires any special anatomical sophistication. We create arms, which also need to be attached to the body. They are made from a special form for arms. Attach these elements and align. Lastly, attach the head. Here you need to be careful not to break anything. Decide on the turn and tilt of the head, as well as what your object will do.How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Photo Number 14After this, you need to bake the figurine.To do this, place it in the oven and wait until everything hardens. It is advisable to fix the elements as correctly as possible. The fact is that when the figurine is baked, it will slightly "melt" and, accordingly, one of the parts may simply fall off. Secure all body parts tightly. Wait for about 15 minutes at a temperature of 130 degrees.How to make a doll of polymer clay with your own hands? Lesson and photos. Photo number 15The doll is ready!

