How to make a rose in a quilling technique? Flower with the help of the master class with their own hands

How to make a rose in a quilling technique? Flower with the help of the master class with their own hands

Flower rose technique quilling. Photo №1With the help of quilling you can make incredible andbeautiful compositions, with the help of which it is convenient to design postcards and create new gifts. That is why the ability to make flowers from quilling is a useful quality that will always come in handy when creating your own idea. A rose flower in the quilling technique is an excellent solution for creating a pleasant composition. In this master class, we will tell you about two ways to create a rose flower and show how easy it is.

The first method

Flower rose technique quilling. Photo # 2As materials and tools we will need:

  • Color paper (quilling)
  • PVA glue
  • Scissors
  • Stencil ruler

First of all, let's process the material.For beginners, the first method is suggested, as its implementation is much simpler. It is necessary to cut out a circle of suitable paper. It is desirable to have a stencil ruler tool with a circle, or use a compass. But at the same time, you can cut out your object by eye. Next, you need to draw a spiral and cut the paper along it. Now, using the spiral, we make it twist from the outer part of the circle to the center. We glue the end of the spiral in order to work with deformation. The flower must be treated with an adhesive substance on the back side so that it does not unwind. After that, we let the material dry and our flower is ready!

second method

  • Quilling paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • skillful hands

Flower rose technique quilling. Picture №3Next, we will continue our manipulations with the second one.option, which will be more difficult. To do this, we need to take a strip of paper in the size of the width by 15 millimeters. Next, you need to twist the end of the strip and then make a fold at an angle of 90 degrees. After that, we work on twisting the roll. After, again unfold the material by 90 degrees, following the rest of the paper strip. When we have completed the twisting to the end of the previous fold, we make the next one. To do this, you also need to grab the corner of the previous fold. After that, repeat the previous action and do this until the end of the strip.Flower rose technique quilling. Photo №4The flower bud can be strengthened.To do this, you need to glue the end of the strip. After completing all these actions, a small stamen will form on the ledge of the future flower. It will need to be cut off with scissors. Thus, the rose will not bloom. To make the rose more open, it is enough to simply not lubricate the flower with glue and untwist it. You will get a spiral on which the folds are clearly visible. Next, we repeat the machinations with twisting, but do not do it too tightly. The second time will be much easier. Then, just fix it with glue. To make a tight rose, you need to twist it once, and if you want it loose - repeat these steps. We work on gluing the spirals and get our flower. You can make several of these flowers, you can make a successful bouquet from them, or decorate them as an element of decor.Flower rose technique quilling. Photo №5

Flowers from fringe

Also, our rose can be supplemented with flowers fromfringes. To do this, you need to take a roll and wrap it in fringe, right up to the end of the strip. then, you need to glue the end of the strip. After the flower dries, the petals need to be straightened. Small fringe flowers will come out, which can be used to dilute the overall composition or decorate postcards. Now, it will be very easy for you to decorate any gift composition, postcard or just a picture. Using these simple quilling techniques, with the help of improvised means, it is very easy to implement your own ideas and perform the necessary manipulations.

