How to make an original, simple and interesting pattern of dress? All here
To start creating a dress pattern, you need tofind out for yourself some basic nuances that will literally help when constructing drawings. Initially, you need to understand what a pattern is and what it is. A pattern is a base made from a mold of the proportions of a figure. It is made individually for each woman. With the help of one pattern, made once, you can produce a variety of models that you can only dream of.For example, by changing just one element - the neckline, you can get a dress with a deep neckline. To do this, you just need to make it larger than on the main pattern.
The basic pattern appears from the drawing.But the drawing does not necessarily have to be complicated and consist of a huge number of incomprehensible numbers and letters. Everything can be done much easier. The pattern is divided into two halves - the back and the front. In other words, they are called "shelves". Another important parts of the base are the armhole and dart. The armhole is the line of the opening for the arms. For each person, the curve and size of this armhole is individual, for any sophisticated taste and needs. But you need to be careful when measuring the armhole, it should not be too small. Otherwise, the dress will rest against the armpits.
Darts can be either on the back or in the front.On the back - this is a shoulder dart and a waist dart. The shoulder dart is made so that the dress does not create a hump effect on the neck. The waist dart makes the dress fitted, that is, it fits the figure perfectly. Darts in the front help to create the desired curve of the chest. They are made on the front shoulder. Thanks to them, the chest, as it should, has a convexity.
To make sure that the dart on the shoulder is not too noticeable after the drawing is made, it can be moved slightly below the armpit.
The chest line is a guide duringdrawing the basic pattern itself. The dress narrows on the sides along it, and the middle of the waist darts is also located on it. The hip line is the expansion of the hem. The hem is expanded according to the individual characteristics and desires of each woman. This can be a classic expansion of 1.5 cm or more.
The simplest dress pattern is very easy to createsimple. And all this because it is done inside a rectangle. Of course, the most intense moment will be the image of the upper part of the base, where the neck, darts, armholes and shoulder lines are.
To make it easier to draw, the topthe particle can be divided into 3 zones, in which 2 or 3 lines will be located. After this drawing - the upper part is completely ready. Drawing the drawing will take no more than 20 minutes. Technology of drawing a simple pattern First of all, measurements are taken:
At the first stage of constructing the drawing itselfa simple dress pattern is drawn as a triangle, which has the following dimensions in height: height from neck to hem; and in width: half the chest circumference plus a few extra centimeters. This will depend on the chosen silhouette.Next, the rectangle is divided into 3 parts:back, armholes and chest area. The back width is the back width divided by two. The armhole width is half the chest circumference. The chest width is all that remains. In the third step, the throat line and shoulder line are drawn on the back. The throat line should lie exactly on the rectangle itself, and only the edge of the tip can stick out a little. It is important to note that the throat width is 1/3 of half the neck circumference plus another 0.5 centimeters. And the height of the edge of the throat sticking out above the rectangle is 1/10 of half the neck circumference plus an additional 0.8 centimeters.
The shoulder line goes from the edge of the throat and a littlegoes beyond the back. Its length is the length and 1.6 centimeters for the dart. At the fourth stage, on the chest line, in place of the armholes, the armholes of the back and front are drawn. The armhole line goes down to the chest line. The chest line is measured from the height of the armhole to the edge of the shoulder. The level of the chest line is the size of the armhole. The armhole line of the back always goes from the edge of the shoulder and bends in the armpit. The line of the armhole of the front goes from the bend of the armhole at the top to the bend of the armhole in the armpits. And one more point is added - the axillary one. By connecting three points, you get the front line.
Next comes an image of the chest area.This is the neckline, the front shoulder line and the dart on the chest. The top part of the simplest dress pattern is ready. Next, the back and front pattern are divided into the right side and the left side. It's as easy as pie!
The seventh stage is the waist and hip line.The waistline is measured from the top of the pattern down. The hip line is from the waist down. At the penultimate stage, the curves of the front and back sides are drawn, and the front darts of the waist and back are added. The side curves are 1 size in both directions from the line in the middle. Then the darts are drawn on the back and front waist.
The final stage involves expansion at the hips.To do this, you need to find the difference between half the hip circumference and half the chest circumference. This number is divided by 2, that is, as much as you need to expand the hem of the simplest dress pattern. And now every fashionista will be able to put on a dress from her fantasies. Masters advise not to be afraid of your new ideas and experiment with your images.