How to make a vase for a flower using origami technique. The lesson is free.
The art of origami has been around for thousands of years.one century. However, this technique for handicrafts does not lose its influence. Thanks to modern lessons, we have the opportunity to learn how to make various figures from paper, using useful techniques and materials. What was your long-time dream now has the opportunity to become a reality. The art of origami can be beneficial in a variety of ways. Firstly, it is an environmentally friendly and incredibly convenient product for decorating a house, decorating gifts. That is why learning paper decor can give you a variety of opportunities for the implementation of your own home.In addition, the technology studied in this articlecan be a great reason for a gift and will undoubtedly compensate for the impressions of anyone who will behold this action. So, first of all, we need to understand what we are going to do. This article will tell you how to make your own model of an original vase using paper. The uniqueness of this technology is that any schoolchild over 10 years old can study it. It is very simple and easy to use, but at the same time - has a special effect. Such a vase can be made quite quickly, spending a minimum of resources and using modern lessons.
To make a vase, you needtake a square piece of paper. This can be made from a large sheet of A2 paper. Each side of the square should be no more than 42 centimeters. In order for your vase to be more even, it is best to take a square for alteration, or use the services of a ruler. If you do not have a large number of paper or regular flowers, a vase made according to the dimensions of A4 paper will do. Then, the side of the future square blank will have 21 centimeters. In this case, the vase will be much smaller, but will look just as beautiful.
To make a beautiful flower vase, firstIn this case, you need to mark the center. After you have done this, you need to turn over your sheet of paper, and then - press the side edges of the paper. Then, after the actions, you will get a mini-square. In it, you need to bend the corners on both sides. It is important not to bend everything at the top, but only the top part of the paper. Next, you need to fold the corners for the future vase in the shape of an airplane, but only using one side. Then, you need to turn the craft over and do the same operation on the other side. Then, you must first start bending the corners. This action is similar to lifting caps, as well as bending them under the corners of the paper. Next, you need to stick a few fingers into the holes formed to straighten the vase. The idea is ready, all that remains is to put flowers in it, or put your gift for a friend or loved one.