Author's bag, crocheted. Bag scheme and description

Author's bag, crocheted. Bag scheme and description

Hello! I am Kazbekova Alina, I'm submitting my new work "Spring mood" for the contest "". To knit a bag, we need acrylic yarn of light brown - 100 g., Dark brown, white and blue flowers for 50 g., Hook # 2, a wooden ringlet, 3 yellow beads of medium size 7 small brown beads. The bag is connected from three squares of the same size (27cm - side of the square) - they are also called "grandmother's square". Scheme of the grandmother's square: photo crocheted handbags Two squares, located on the sides of the bag,are connected in the same color order: the first 2 rows of dark brown color, then 2 rows of light brown color, 1 row of blue, 2 rows of white, a row of dark brown color, 3 rows of light brown, followed by blue, white and 2 last a row of light brown color. If you count, you get 15 rows in one square. The square that lies at the bottom of the bag is connected in a different color order: 2 rows of light brown color, 1 row of dark brown color, after - 2 white, a row of blue, 2 rows of light brown, then dark brown, white, 2 light brown, 1 - blue, 1 - dark brown and 1 - light brown. Knit all the squares in one pattern. After all the details are connected, proceed to thetheir assembly. Two side squares are connected to the square of the base by means of a hinge loop of light brown yarn. Now we unfasten the edges of the bag: first we lighten brown yarn knit stsn, making the reduction in each 5 loop, then dark brown yarn also knit st./n, subtracting in each 7 loop, after white yarn, too, from st / sn in each 10 loops, then the latest row is knitted with a dark brown yarn st / bn without decrements. However, it should be noted that I did not diminish at the corners of the bag (in places where the handles are attached). A reduction is made to ensure that the edges of the bag do not crumple, but slightly looked inside the bag. Now we knit the handle: we type a chain of 60 air loops + 2p. on the veneer from the dark-browny yarn, and we knit 7 rows of polustolbikami, attach to the bag. At the last stage we will make a lock: we knit a lap from light-browned yarn (we collect 20 air loops + 2 loops on the rise, 4 rows of half-columns), we put it into the ring and connect it to each other, and then attach it to the bag. Now we cut off the strings of light brown color, we put on the ring and we put beads in them, fixing them with nodules. That's all the work I did for 2 evenings. Thank you for attention!

