Autumn paper crafts: quilling and violin scripting - 2 master classes + 40 photos

Autumn paper crafts: quilling and violin scripting - 2 master classes + 40 photos

Autumn crafts using quilling quilling technique

The technique of quilling ("quilling" - from the English.the words "quill," which counts - bird feather) - this is the art of the so-called paper-rolling. Despite the originality of the technique, it is performed very easily. For the manufacture of crafts in this technique does not need any unusual materials. The most important element of quilling is paper. It is selected depending on what crafts you will make. For this technique, ordinary colored, double-sided paper and special one are also suitable. Necessarily need glue that dries quickly, and will not leave marks on paper. Here are some ideas for quilling fall crafts: Quilling Autumn Maple Leaf OutsideAutumn and the house so want to make bright colors. Or maybe you want to please your family and friends with an unusual postcard, or make a panel. It’s time to get creative. This workshop is devoted to how to make an original maple leaf using quilling technique. Quilling Autumn Maple LeafAutumn maple leaf using quilling technique To create such a craft using quilling technique, you will need:

  • Cardboard for the base;
  • Paper for quilling (3mm);
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Pins;
  • Toothpick or special tool for wrapping paper strips.

What we need for autumn quillingWhat We Need for Autumn Quilling Stagesmaking a fake: 1. To create a symmetrical leaf, you need to make such a pattern: we make a “sandwich” and three or four sheets of cardboard, previously greased with glue and the maple leaf drawn on it, we glue it on top with tape. 2. The skeleton of our leaf we make of red paper. Such paper should have a density of 130g / m2. For strength, fasten with pins. 3. From the strips of 6-12 cm make the so-called rolls. Then we form “droplets”, “triangles” and “eyes” from them. That is, such molds that can easily fit between the veins of our sheet. Thus, we fill the entire plate. 4. The next step is gluing the “tail” to the sheet. Next, glue two more additional triangles in order to shape the sheet. 5. For final shaping, we glue the entire craft along the contour with paper of a suitable color. 6. Tint the leaf with ink and sponge. You can make a gradient or go from the middle with a sponge to the edges. Quilling autumnQuilling autumn The result was a bright and rather unusual leaf. This craft can be used as a decoration on a postcard or a wall panel.

Scrapbooking autumn crafts

Scrapbooking is a special kind of needlework.hndmade art for the production and design of personal or family photo albums and cards. Simply put, this is the compilation of collages from photographs, bright paper, newspapers, etc. This hobby has become popular in many countries around the world. Birthdays and holidays will be an excellent occasion for needlework. You can arrange a house: walls and shelves, and even door handles. Here are the ideas for autumn paper crafts using scrapbooking: Postcard "Autumn Aroma" The theme of autumn is quite popular in many forms of art. This master class will explain in detail how to make a beautiful and unusual autumn card. Scrapbooking autumn cardAutumn card using scrapbooking technique To create such a card, you will need:

  • - pastel paper in soft orange or ocher for the base. Size 20 * 24 cm;
  • - Scrap paper to match the base with a pattern;
  • - flowers and twigs,
  • - hole-prickly leaves,
  • brade for flower cores,
  • lace and white lace
  • - interesting unusual stamp,
  • - glue and any scissors or a paper knife.

Another card in scrapbooking technique.Another card in the scrapbooking technique. Stepsmaking crafts: 1. To start, fold a sheet of pastel paper in half; 2. A piece of scrap paper must be taken for the main background of the card, then sew along the edge and diagonally - so we will imitate the envelope; 3. Next, glue the lace along the edge of our upper triangle; 4. Make a stamp with a stamp in the upper right corner, and in the upper left make a composition of flowers, twigs and leaves. At your discretion, glue the ribbon, maple leaves and make inscriptions; 5. On one half of the card, glue a pocket of special scrap paper. Glue the paper on the other side as well, but pre-sew it along the edge. Garnish with flowers and glue plain paper for congratulations. Postcard is ready, enjoy the result. Sketchbooking photo album for autumn photosSketchbooking photo album for autumn photos. Also youYou can do other paper crafts. For example, crafts in a very interesting origami technique, as well as various garlands of paper, panels, postcards and more. The main thing is not a lot of imagination and paper. Good luck We also recommend viewing:

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