Children's crafts made of plasticine in 5 years. Studying dinosaurs
Yesterday my child (Yarik, 5 years old) sat down at the table andFor a long time he sculpted all sorts of animals, houses, people from plasticine. I want to share his crafts with you. I was unable to photograph the rest, but he decided to show the dinosaurs: Triceratops - "three-horned snout", a herbivorous dinosaur, the last of the surviving saurs:Sauropod is a long-necked and long-tailed herbivorous dinosaur: Tyrannosaurus is a bipedal predatory dinosaur witha huge skull, which was balanced by a long and heavy tail: (ours didn’t turn out quite similar), but the main thing in children’s creativity is no criticism.Pterosaur - flying dinosaur:Stegosaurus - a dinosaur with plates on its back: (I thought so, but Yarik said it was a flying dragon))))And older children make dinosaurs like these: Here are some more ideas for modeling with children using plasticine See also how to make a solar system out of paper.