Children's football gate with their own hands

Children's football gate with their own hands

You can make a small football goal with your own handsmade from plastic pipes and fittings for them (you will need tees and angles). Both are widely used in the installation of heating and water distribution systems, and are therefore sold in all construction markets and stores.Children's football gate with their own handsFor gates, you can purchase the cheapest pipes, since there are no requirements for temperature and maximum pressure. That is, the cost will be minimal. Tools you will need:

  • Scissors for cutting polypropylene pipes or hacksaw for metal.
  • A soldering iron for pipes or some kind of glue for PVC (a soldering iron, of course).

Many people have this tool at home, so if you don’t have it, ask your friends, I think they’ll let you use it for an hour without any problems.Children's football gate with their own handsNow let's move on to manufacturing.First, we cut pipes for children's soccer goals. You can use your own sizes, the main thing is that identical pieces do not differ in length, otherwise you will end up with something very crooked.Children's football gate with their own handsFrom the blanks we make two rods and two corners, and then connect them together.Children's football gate with their own hands Children's football gate with their own hands Children's football gate with their own handsAfterwards, we connect the tees on the rods with long pipes and stretch the mesh over the gate, securing it with plastic clamps.Children's football gate with their own hands Children's football gate with their own handsPlease note that the author of the homemadeUses long-drying glue to fasten pipes with fittings, rather than welding with a soldering iron. Therefore, he can afford to place tees on the rods at an arbitrary angle; when installing long pipes, he simply turns them slightly. If you plan to use a soldering iron rather than glue, then you must first completely assemble the structure, accurately calculating the angles of inclination of the fittings, and only then fuse the pipes together.

