Pastry biscuits of monkeys for the new year - a master class in 2016 with their own hands

Pastry biscuits of monkeys for the new year - a master class in 2016 with their own hands

New Year's recipes are very different. Some are tasty, others are thematic. Still others combine both. For example, the creation of such a beautiful monkey-shaped cookie can be attributed to the third category. Equally delicious and symbolic by 2016, cookies will be an excellent way to please their guests, to take care of your children and, of course, to learn something new. What ideas can be used for cooking in the new year? What symbols will embody and represent the new period and stage of life for each person? And the main question: how to picture all this with the help of food?

Pastry biscuits of monkeys for the new year - a master class in 2016 with their own hands

If you really want to do somethingsymbolic this year, cooking cookies - can significantly help solve this problem. Cookies cooking on the eastern zodiac signs in recent years has become more popular than before. Therefore, to take advantage of the possibilities of such a recipe is the destiny of new traditions! Pastry biscuits of monkeys for the new year - a master class in 2016 with their own hands. Photo №1 Millions of mothers and housewives of the planet in thismoment think about what to please the kids and relatives during the New Year holidays. Need to cover the table, but all the recipes seem not so tasty as before? Of course, it's time to come up with something new. Especially, this idea is suitable for those who want to decorate their New Year's tree with beautiful toys. The Eastern calendar tells us that the coming year will be the year of the Monkey. Therefore, the preparation of various dishes that are made with the help of monkeys, monkeys, or other animals of this kind - will be as always necessary. Preparing delicious cookies of monkeys Let's try to combine your recipe for a healthy dish with a pleasant and beautiful appearance. We have to prepare the pastry dough, decorate it nicely, and prepare all the necessary variations to make out the appearance for the Christmas tree, or for the New Year (Christmas table). The recipe, in turn, does not require you to have a lot of materials or unexpected ingredients. Everything that is usually used to create a tasty and beautiful pastry will be used here. Below is a complete list of the necessary products for cooking:

  • Prepare butter in an amount of 150 grams
  • It will take 4 pieces of eggs
  • Also, take the sugar in a glass
  • Take 0.2 milk in a glass
  • It will take vanillin for taste
  • Prepare chocolate
  • Let's take a sprinkle and glaze to decorate the product

Based on this set, we willto cook our dish. Prepare all these components, go to the store and get bogged down necessary, and then, start to start directly to the cooking process! To begin with, you need to take the eggs and break them into a bowl. After, in the future mixture you need to add sugar and vanillin, which will need to grind to a state of homogeneous mass. The right amount of cold milk is poured into the mass, after which the mixture is mixed. Then, we put our mass on the stove to heat it on low heat, and then weld the mixture to the state of density, like sour cream, using a constant stirring. Then, the mixture needs to be given time to cool down. Preparing the biscuit Next, we need to take the oil and grind it together with the flour to the state of fatty crumbs. Then, in it we pour our egg mass in a cooled form and knead a small soft dough in plastic form. The dough can get too sticky. To get rid of this problem, just add a little more flour. Next, the finished dough needs to be cleaned in the refrigerator or on the balcony for a period of 15 to 20 minutes. Then, after that, we lay out our dough and sketch the layer in thickness by 1.5 centimeters. Pastry biscuits of monkeys for the new year - a master class in 2016 with their own hands. Photo # 2 Baking monkeys Using forms, andstencil models, we need to cut out oval shapes with ears with the help of a knife. This will be the muzzle of our future monkey. Next, the cookie is laid out on a special baking paper, which is placed on a baking tray. Next, heat our cookies on a heated oven to 200 degrees, bake to the condition of blush on the biscuits. After, wait until the cookie has cooled. We start to work with chocolate. It must be melt. But, to make it more light-colored, take dry milk or condensed milk and add to our mixture. Using chocolate, decorate our cookies. The nose we make with the help of a powder for confectionery products. After, it is necessary to give the liver time so that it stiffens. That's all, our dish is completely ready for use. It is worth remembering that Monkey in 2016 is a symbol of the Eastern calendar and therefore, such a dish will be an appropriate solution for those who want to observe unique oriental traditions, and also attract luck to their home. In addition, such cookies will be able to regale and please people close to you. A large number of cookies can also be decorated in different colors - using white and black chocolate, depending on the decoration.

