Beautiful and funny articles from the wrappers themselves. Photo will help to make the original craft

Beautiful and funny articles from the wrappers themselves. Photo will help to make the original craft

In a house where children grow, there are always a lot ofdifferent candy wrappers. Especially they accumulate a lot for the holidays, when all the grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles are putting their favorite babies into the mountains of sweets. And all this multi-colored tinsel can be successfully used for crafts. cheerful crafts from the wrappers themselves. Photo №1 You can make a lot of candy wrappersoriginal and very nice little things. This material is very convenient to work with, and crafts from candy wrappers are made with pleasure not only by children, but also by adults, with no less success. cheerful crafts from the wrappers themselves. Photo # 2 It's amazing, but a person withartistic taste, able to create amazing things literally from nothing. A huge number of people love sweets, but most of them just throw away candy wrappers. But the real lovers of needlework collect them and create amazing crafts - bracelets, earrings, necklaces, toys, souvenirs, vases, boxes and much, much more. Their imagination is inexhaustible. cheerful crafts from the wrappers themselves. Picture №3 One of the simplest ways to work with candy wrappersIs a flagella. To make flagella, you will need a large enough amount of wrappers. Each of them will have to be folded several times along, so that in the end we get a strip about a centimeter wide. After this, the resulting strip should be folded in half, and in the middle of the fold, insert another similar, but preferably contrasting color. Such flagellum is the basis of many products. cheerful crafts from the wrappers themselves. Photo №4 Now all candy manufacturers compete with each otherwith a friend, and their candy wraps amaze with their variety and color, so you will not lack material. If you are just beginning to comprehend the subtleties of creating handbags from candy wrappers, you do not have to start with complicated things right away, try to do something simple enough to start. Unique items from candy wrappers can also be made in the form of a wall panel or applique. Let's try to make an original basket. In it you can then put pencils or fill it with sweets. cheerful crafts from the wrappers themselves. Photo №5 For work we will need candy wrappers of the samesize. It is best to use candy wrappers of one kind of candy. The more diverse the color will be - the brighter our basket will turn out. In addition, we will need more scissors, a sheet of cardboard, a needle with a thread and glue. First you need to do a lot of work. For this, we are making candlesticks from candlesticks. When we collect a basket, each flagellum will be inserted into the hole of another flagella. cheerful crafts from the wrappers themselves. Photo №6 First you need to make the first strip of flagella,the length of which will be the volume of our basket. After you assemble the basket of the size you need, you will need to flash each strip, sewing them together. The thread must be tightened tightly to give a neat shape.

