Beautiful and original ideas for the design of children's toys made of felt. We make wonderful gifts for the holidays for our beloved children

Beautiful and original ideas for the design of children's toys made of felt. We make wonderful gifts for the holidays for our beloved children

Every little child is always very strongloves various performances and fun games. When a child imagines that he is some kind of fairy-tale hero or magical character, he not only has fun, but also learns little by little, discovers the world around him. Various crafts, for example finger toys, are an excellent means for expanding a child's imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers, undoubtedly, creative thinking, and ultimately - the development of the speech of a small child. Playing with such finger puppets, you can arrange fun amateur performances, acting out existing stories and fairy tales, or inventing funny stories and adventures of finger heroes on the fly. In such a relaxed style of communication with a child, it is easy to teach him numbers, letters, some words and even poems. You can simply watch and listen to the stories that your baby will share, and from this you will already be able to learn a lot about your beloved child. In general, there are many uses for such toys, so any parent is recommended to have them at home. Now let's move on specifically to the pattern of a felt toy with your own hands. It is very easy to make them, so any mother can easily cope with such a task.a photo-circuit for sewing toys. Photo №1Let's try to make a finger puppet in the form of a jellyfish. To create this beautiful product we will need:

  • Felt acrylic, the thickness of which is 3 millimeters. Preferably purple, white and bright green;
  • Simple threads of a moulin. Choose bright green, crimson, lilac, black and white colors;
  • Crimson yarn color;
  • Serebrand silver thread;
  • Conventional scissors;
  • Scissors with special shaped blades;
  • standard glue-torque;
  • The most common needle.

Let's move on to the pattern of our jellyfish.For this we need several dome parts, a bow part, and jellyfish eye parts. Carefully cut out two parts of the dome from purple felt with sharp scissors. The lower part of the parts should be cut out with scissors with a curly blade. Next, make 2 parts for the jellyfish eyes from white felt, and at the end, one bright green bow.a photo-circuit for sewing toys. Photo # 2To make our jellyfish"real" tentacles, you need to cut eight identical pieces of yarn. Their length is ten centimeters. It is advisable to use boucle yarn, however, you can even choose the remains of knitting threads. This is not so important.a photo-circuit for sewing toys. Picture №3We attach a bow to one of the parts of the domejellyfish. Just drip a little glue on the bow and attach it to the desired part. It is best to place the bow at least three millimeters from the edge of the dome, so that you do not have any unnecessary trouble when sewing. Then you need to sew the bow using a lilac thread folded in half. Go along the perimeter of the bow knot, making a “forward needle” stitch. The seam should be at a distance of one and a half millimeters from the edge of our bow. Using the same lilac thread, make a few more stitches that will create an imitation of the folds of the bow. A little lower from the bow, glue white felt eyes to the jellyfish dome. Again, at a distance of one and a half millimeters from the edge of the parts, sew the eyes with a white floss thread, folding it in half with the same “forward needle” stitch.a photo-circuit for sewing toys. Photo №4At the bottom of each piece we embroider the eye of the jellyfishblack floss "French knots", folding the thread in four. To create the mouth of the jellyfish, use raspberry floss, also folding it in four. Use the "forward needle" stitch. After that, you need to glue pieces of our yarn to the bottom edge from the inside of each of the dome parts. Four pieces on each side. To securely fasten the tentacles and beautiful decorations of our finger toy, you need to draw a zigzag line along the bottom side of the jellyfish dome parts, using the "forward needle" stitch. In this case, we choose bright green floss, folding the thread twice. It's time to connect the finished halves of the dome of our toy. To do this, our felt parts need to be overcast with a hand loop stitch. This time we use a silver luresque thread, which we fold in half. When working, do not forget to leave some space at the bottom edge of the part so that you can easily stick your finger in there later. After all the work, you can safely try the toy on your finger and on the child's finger, after all, he will have to play with it. Well, our jellyfish turned out very bright, colorful and multi-colored. I am sure that your child will play with it with great pleasure.a photo-circuit for sewing toys. Photo №5Now let's try to sew more famous oneschildren's characters. We make Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. They will be two layers, and on the back side we will place Velcro. First, you need to sew on the Velcro, and only then start decorating the front part of the toy. Then, with the smallest line, we sew on all the other parts on the machine. We make Winnie:

  • We securely attach the Velcro to the back side.
  • We place the ears, the left foot, which is not completely visible, and the legs.
  • On the front part we sew a glazik, a right paw and gently embroider our teddy bear's mouth.
  • We connect both parts together, and then we sew the nose.
  • a photo-circuit for sewing toys. Photo №6Let's move on to his friend, Piglet:

  • First you need to sew to the back of our Velcro.
  • To the frontal part we fix the eyes, nose, and also gently embroider our toy mouth.
  • We connect the two parts together and sew the legs for Piglet.
  • We sew shorts, which must be stitched in advance.
  • Over the shorts we attach the paw of our mumps.
  • a photo-circuit for sewing toys. Photo №7That's all.We have made a couple more great toys that your child will also love. And one more felt product. This is a very cute and beautiful hedgehog who just loves to walk through the forest and collect various mushrooms and berries. To secure his finds, the hedgehog uses lacing. The beauty of this toy is that it is designed for a child from one year old. And the maximum age is very difficult to determine, because the toy will appeal to everyone, even some adults. The benefit of the toy is to teach the baby to use ties and laces, because now shoes for small children with Velcro, clothes and sweaters with zippers have become more popular. Of course, this makes life much easier for the child and parents, but motor skills develop poorly. Subsequently, it will be difficult for the child to start writing, and for some, even to speak. Back in the distant twentieth century, Maria Montessori conducted various studies on the dependence of fine hand movements on speech development. And the results only confirmed the scientist's guesses. So now you also know how important it is to develop motor skills in small children.a photo-circuit for sewing toys. Photo №8Of course, it is also possible that at five years old yourthe child will speak perfectly, but he will not be able to lace his shoelaces. This is also very bad. It is very important for all caring parents to devote more time to such seemingly trifles. Then the child will grow up with all the necessary skills, and his life will be a little easier. And there will be more time for much more interesting things. So, let's move on to the pattern of our felt toy. It can be found in special stores, but for mothers who love needlework, making such a toy is very easy, and the work itself will bring only satisfaction. First, transfer your pattern to felt, its thickness should be one millimeter and be hard.a photo-circuit for sewing toys. Photo Number 9The photo shows which parts to sew to what. The dotted lines indicate the connection points. As a result, you will get a beautiful and bright toy that will help develop your child.a photo-circuit for sewing toys. Picture №10To create a good felt toy you need:very little financial outlay. The most important thing is to show your creativity and make a bright and high-quality gift for your child, playing with which he will not only have fun, but also develop.

