Beautiful and scary: TOP-5 costumes for Halloween!

Beautiful and scary: TOP-5 costumes for Halloween!

Halloween has already become a very popular holiday inour country and is undoubtedly gaining momentum, thanks to which an entire culture is developing, based on various mystical mysteries and interesting characters.Beautiful and scary: TOP-5 costumes for Halloween !. Photo №1People love to celebrate this holiday usingtheir costumes, various additions to them. Some even gather in companies to spend this holiday as mysteriously and scarily as possible. Others attend specialized celebrations and parties, the obligatory dress code of which is a beautiful costume. There are a large number of character solutions, thanks to which you can stand out on the Halloween holiday and, accordingly, get maximum pleasure from admiring your own costume. The main thing is to approach the work as responsibly as possible. In this article, we will try to tell you about the Halloween holiday, offer interesting costume ideas and ways to create them with your own hands. In addition, we will tell you how you can save money by using basic things as the main material for your costume.

Mummy for Halloween

Beautiful and scary: TOP-5 costumes for Halloween !. Photo # 2Making a mummy costume is considered to be quite simple,but quite an extraordinary solution. This may require both a lot of time and a relatively small amount. You just need to find a large amount of wide bandage and a handy person who will wrap you with this bandage! In order for the costume to convey the full atmosphere of the whole nightmare of your existence, it is necessary to add colors to the costume. Of course, we are talking about red, saturated colors, similar to blood. In addition, it is necessary to make various decorations on the legs in the form of cuts wrapped with the same bandage.


Also quite simple, but nevertheless- a popular option among Halloween lovers. Poltergeist in this case will look very colorful and interesting. You only need to use the services of an old blanket and scissors. In order to properly process the costume, you need to select a sufficient amount of fabric and make cuts in it on the necessary pestles. Then, you can process the fabric with various patterns. In addition, you can also paint the fabric, especially for the face area, to make the most frightening appearance possible.

Baba Yaga

Beautiful and scary: TOP-5 costumes for Halloween !. Picture №3Lovers of traditions and old tales will be indelighted with such a costume. A favorite character from our childhood can also be realized as a beautiful costume for the Halloween holiday. But, for this we will need various clothes from grandma. Of course, it is worth using as old things as possible, but at the same time - colorful and rich. You can choose a variety of options. If grandma does not mind, you can also process these things with ordinary scissors to add piquancy to the costume. Also, you must not forget about your appearance. Makeup in black and, of course, a big nose, just like Baba Yaga.


Beautiful and scary: TOP-5 costumes for Halloween !. Photo №4Very popular and quite simple to usedesign of the costume. You can make it using an old jacket or shirt that is not particularly full of colors. It is desirable that the costume does not fit tightly to your body. Therefore, shirts and jackets several sizes larger will do. The clothes should have as rustic a character as possible. You can also trim certain areas of the clothes and make patches to add character to your character. And of course, you can't forget about the hat made of straw.


Beautiful and scary: TOP-5 costumes for Halloween !. Photo №5Making a costume like this is a little more difficult.However, it is quite possible. Your character should look half-alive. Of course, acting talent plays a special role here. However, appearance is also of particular importance. It is necessary to use dark green tones, thanks to which you will get the desired skin color. It is necessary to add various scars, especially a large scar in the forehead area. Also, do not forget about the stitches, preferably all over the body. In order to make your head seem attached, you can use the services of a decorated thread and a champagne cork as a patch. It will look real and very interesting.


You will be able to pick up completely different ideascostumes that you can use. This collection offers only five of the most interesting and unique costume ideas that you can use. These are incredible ideas that are especially popular and important every Halloween holiday.

