Beautiful and unusual dragons in the technique of modular origami / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

Beautiful and unusual dragons in the technique of modular origami / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

If you have already mastered the master classes for beginnersand the scheme of assembling simple products made of paper, then it's time to take on more complicated work, that is, master the technique of modular origami and learn how to collect large volume figures. Of course, modular origami assembly is a painstaking and long occupation, requiring patience, perseverance and attention , but the result will certainly give you another reason to be proud of yourself and your efforts. Especially if your goal is to make such a beautiful and unusual creature as a dragon. Usually the body parts of the figure are formed bysimple introduction of modules into each other. If necessary, the places of their joints are treated with glue (it needs to be well fixed and left for several hours to dry). This is especially true if you make massive details - a large head, paws or tail (they can be fastened with both a glue gun and toothpicks). 1 Torso bends need to be formed immediately,simply reducing the number of modules from the inside of the bend, since after the completion of the assembly, you can no longer bend it as you wish. A ready dragon can be decorated, for example, by adding elements from decorative paper or foil: make of it a luxurious comb, long mustache, beautiful drawings on the scales. And if you cover the product with varnish and process it with sequins, then your dragon will become quite like a living thing, and it will be very elegant and elegant. 1 The scheme of each dragon is unique, like the craft,which you eventually get. For example, to create a troglody nice dragon Gorynych you need 933 modules (718 + 5 - green, 109 - yellow, 98 - orange and 3 - red). 447 modules (44 white and 397 blue ones) will be needed to make a water fairy dragon. First you can follow the proposed schemes and lessons, and then, perhaps, you will come up with your own version of the assembly of a beautiful fire-breathing creation. See similar master classes:

