A beautiful bouquet of toys made by own hands will be an original gift, which will be remembered for a long time

A beautiful bouquet of toys made by own hands will be an original gift, which will be remembered for a long time

We make a bouquet of toys with our own hands. Photo №1 If you are going to a dinner party or going toBirthday, you need to worry about a good and unusual presentation. Even if you know the taste of the culprit of the event well enough, there is still a risk that your gift will not be unique. What to do in this case? Present a bunch of soft toys - it will be an excellent option, both for a separate gift, and as an addition to it. Especially because the products in the style of Hand Maid are very popular now, as they can tell about the impeccable taste and creative direction of the donor. Do you want to surprise everyone at the party? Then follow our advice and you will succeed. So, we stock up with the necessary materials and select tools. We will need:

  • Soft toys - preferably one type and size.
  • Floral wire.
  • A piece of foam for the base of the bouquet.
  • Corrugated paper of suitable colors.
  • Tube or stick for the handle of the bouquet.
  • Fabric satin or brocade braid for decoration (if you do not have it, you can use a ribbon for decorating bouquets) - take a few meters of thin and thick ribbon.
  • Decorative items (hearts, balls, beads, bows, artificial flowers) - your choice.
  • Candy type "Truffle".
  • Organza or mesh for decoration of gifts.
  • Adhesive tapes tape.
  • Glue gun.
  • Scissors.
  • Stapler.
  • Wire cutters.

Now you can start work. We will make our product of five soft toys with the addition of sweets and beads on sticks. The master class will not be difficult even for beginners. General recommendations If you are going to a house where young children live, you need to make such a bouquet, which can be easily disassembled into constituent parts, since in the finished form it will definitely not stand for them for a long time. To create a beautiful composition, choose toys of the same size, color; best of all, if they are the same little animals (bears, bunnies), taken from trinkets. If you take more toys, then in the bouquet they should be less - 1 or 3 pieces. Toys need to be fixed securely, and between them there should be no gaps - they are filled with other decorative elements on sticks, decorated with "skirts" of corrugated paper or openwork fabric. Sequence of actions 1. Getting started should, of course, with the preparation of the basics. From a foam plastic we cut out a cone of the necessary size, truncated from one side. To this part, you need to securely stick the handle. Best of all, if you do some deepening here, treat it well with hot glue and press the handle there. The foundation is ready. 2. Now proceed directly to the preparation of toys. We take a wire 30 cm long, wrap the toy in the middle and carefully twist its ends. You can pierce the toy through and in the same way twist the wire. The ends of the wire are wrapped with a special adhesive tape. If you are sure that the bouquet will not be dismantled, then you can stick the toys on wooden skewers. We make a bouquet of toys with our own hands. Photo # 2 3. Beautifully decorated sweets. Cut the corrugated paper into pieces measuring approximately 20 x 18 cm. Put the candy in the middle of the paper piece with the tip up and wrap it in a roll. We tighten the candy and from both sides we tie it with a thin ribbon. On the one hand, we attach a piece of wire and mask it with adhesive tapes, and at the other end we stretch the paper to form petals. We need three or five such flowers. We make a bouquet of toys with our own hands. Picture №3 4. We prepare a few more pieces of wire 20-30 cm long. We take one of these segments, thread on its middle a large bead and also twist both ends. Obtained blanks from wire with beads. We make a bouquet of toys with our own hands. Photo №4 5. Now you need to collect all the prepared parts in a single bouquet. First we arrange the toys in the base in the right order, if necessary, you can grease the tips of the wire with glue to securely fix them. Further we place sweets, and after them - decorative beads on a wire. We look, whether there are intervals. If a part of the foam base is visible, then it is possible to mask the gaps by means of "skirts" made from corrugated paper attached to the base of toys or candy ribbons. We make a bouquet of toys with our own hands. Photo №5 6. Make a beautiful package. In order not to see the foam, wrap the bouquet with paper corrugated. We attach it in several places with hot glue, and then beautifully decorate with a double organza or a floral mesh, which we fix with a stapler. We bandage the ready bouquet with a thick flower ribbon or cloth tape, make a beautiful bow. That's all - our work is finished, and we can admire our ready-made candy-plush composition. If you get this bouquet, then if you want, you can experiment with the types, colors, sizes of toys and adding new elements to the composition. The wrapping paper can be decorated with rhinestones, bows. And you can decorate toys in your own way, for example, attaching glasses to glasses, bows or hats. Be creative and you can get something very beautiful. Such a bouquet is guaranteed to be remembered by someone to whom you give it. After all, this is not an ordinary gift, but an original present made by oneself. In this gift there is a part of the soul of the person who created it.

