Beautiful flowers from ordinary plastic bottles, original master class for beginners

Beautiful flowers from ordinary plastic bottles, original master class for beginners

Craftwork from plastic bottles is a hugespace for imagination and creativity. In today's master class we will try to make flowers out of this material. They can be used for a variety of decorating purposes. We make flowers step by step. Photo №1 We will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • marker;
  • lighter;
  • awl;
  • pliers or tweezers.

Works best lead in a well-ventilatedIndoors or outdoors (for example, on the balcony)! After work, make sure to ventilate the room! 1. For work is suitable as the central part of the plastic bottle, and upper or lower. We make flowers step by step. Photo # 2 2. On paper, draw a flower pattern and cut it out. We draw the flowers on the bottle by drawing the template around the perimeter with the marker - how many will be. We make flowers step by step. Picture №3 We make flowers step by step. Photo №4 3. Cut flowers. We make flowers step by step. Photo №5 4. We bend all the petals in one direction. We make flowers step by step. Photo №6 5. Take the lighter, tweezers or pliers we take in the other hand a flower and substitute the petal of the flower under the flame of the lighter. When heated, the petal will begin to deform. It is important not to overdo it with heating, otherwise the flower will deteriorate! In turn, we form all the petals of the flower. Work carefully, do not burn yourself! We make flowers step by step. Photo №7 6. We make several such blanks. You can make them more for stock and use in the future as needed. We make flowers step by step. Photo №8 7. In order to make a flower from such semi-finished products, it is necessary to connect 2-3 preforms together in the center. This can be done by the same heating. Or advance in the center of the blanks for two holes and sew them together, first placing a decorative button on the top or a plastic flower. We make flowers step by step. Photo Number 9 We make flowers step by step. Picture №10 We make flowers step by step. Photo Number 11 We make flowers step by step. Photo number 12 We make flowers step by step. Photo №13 We make flowers step by step. Photo Number 14 And now, let's try to make beautiful roses We make flowers step by step. Photo number 15 1. Stencils for blanks of such roses can be made of only 4 petals, the main thing - that each piece was less than the previous one. For one flower, you need to draw 7 such templates. We make flowers step by step. Photo number 16 We make flowers step by step. Photo number 17 We make flowers step by step. Photo Number 18 2. At the center of each workpiece, make a small hole with an awl. We make flowers step by step. Photo Number 19 3. We fill each billet above the flame of the candle, heating each petal in turn and bending the petals upward. We use tweezers! We make flowers step by step. Photo number 20 4. Corolla sepals make from one detail. For her, we need a green plastic bottle. We make flowers step by step. Photo Number 21 We make flowers step by step. Photo Number 22 5. With this detail we perform the same operations as with the petals: drill a hole in the center with an awl and slightly melt each sepal in turn over the candle flame. We make flowers step by step. Photo # 23 6. From the green plastic bottle, make a stem with leaves. We need a green plastic bottle and wire for this. Cut out from the central part of the bottle a spiral 1 cm wide. We make flowers step by step. Photo # 24 7. We take the wire. We make flowers step by step. Photo №25 And wrap it with a green plastic spiral, while heating it over the candle flame. We make flowers step by step. Photo №26 We make flowers step by step. Photo №27 We leave one end of the wire free of winding. Or we release it from the plastic at the end of the winding process. We make flowers step by step. Photo №28 9. We put on the end of the wire first sepals, and then the preparation of corollas in decreasing order. We make flowers step by step. Photo №29 10. The corollas are firmly pressed against each other to release the end of the wire. We make flowers step by step. Picture №30 11. Pull this end into the eyelet to fix the flower. We make flowers step by step. Picture №31 12. Cut out the stencil on the paper for the leaves. We make flowers step by step. Photo №32 13. On the stencil we cut out the leaves from the green plastic bottle and lightly melt them over the flame of the candle. We make flowers step by step. Picture №33 We make flowers step by step. Picture №34 The leaves of the leaves are twisted in a spiral. We make flowers step by step. Photo number 35 14. The lower end of the petiole is softened over the candle flame and twisted around the stem of the rose. We make flowers step by step. Photo number 36 Now you can make a bouquet of roses! We make flowers step by step. Picture №37 We make flowers step by step. Photo №38

