Blanket, decorated in the technique of sewing from shreds for beginners to make absolutely simply

Blanket, decorated in the technique of sewing from shreds for beginners to make absolutely simply

Technique of sewing articles from rags for beginners- a great way to learn how to create interesting and unusual compositions. Especially, it will be to the liking of beginner needlewomen, since this lesson does not require special skills. Recently, you can find an increasing number of people who want to decorate their homes with items made with their own hands. For example, a blanket, a blanket, a pillow, curtains, a rug and many other things. These things probably have one of the widest applications. After you learn how to sew, you will gain your own unique style. That is, you can not find such products anywhere else. The most difficult, which will have to face, is, perhaps, the ability to cut, and, also, to correctly and smoothly tidy up the pieces with each other. This technique has a weighty and significant advantage. In order to make this or that product, you do not need to buy materials. You can always find them easily at home. After all, you must agree, each of us will have worn out, boring things, which, as a rule, go to rags or simply simply throw them away. From now on they will be able to find a new life, but, not without the help of your pens. That is why in today's article it will be about how fast and easy it is to get a beautiful and original thing, having spent a minimum of time and money on it, using the technique of sewing blankets from rags for beginners. Technique of sewing blankets from rags for beginners. Photo №1 The work will not be difficult. Even a child can cope with it. The main thing is to follow the instructions, advice and do everything neatly. To begin with, you need to collect unnecessary things that have not performed their original function for a long time, put in front of you. The only nuance, the fabric should have at least a similar texture. This is necessary in order for the species to be aesthetically attractive. After the fabric from which you sew, lies in front of you, it would be desirable to determine the product. You should clearly understand that it can be absolutely any product that you apply in the future. Also, it can be a decorative element, for example, a panel. That is, something that could decorate your home and bring him comfort. The most common product is, of course, a blanket, a blanket or a blanket. To do this you will need: 4 pieces of cloth, which must be sewn together. Sewing is necessary at right angles. From what has finally turned out, you need to cut a circle. In this case, the round template can help. Using it, you get exactly the same workpieces in the right amount. Technique of sewing blankets from rags for beginners. Photo # 2 One piece is already there, now you need to do morethree exactly the same. Now cut out small circles. It is desirable to do this from whole patches, that is, not from stitched ones. Also, you will need circles that are even smaller in size than the previous ones. Technique of sewing blankets from rags for beginners. Picture №3 Now you need to sew with loose fabriclining for a future blanket, plus large and medium mugs. After that, we turn out, our resultant manipulation, our peculiar cover. At the center of the product, we sew small preforms made by us in advance. Technique of sewing blankets from rags for beginners. Photo №4 Now the finished pieces should be attached to the base. It can be anything. For example, a blanket or a monophonic coverlet. A beautiful, elegant, exclusive thing is ready.

