Boho chic style in the interior: photo and how to do it yourself

Boho chic style in the interior: photo and how to do it yourself

Many in vain belong to the style of boho-chic biased,calling it chaos and piling up things. The interior in boho is an opportunity to express yourself and show your individuality. It opens up tremendous opportunities especially for those who love small details in the interior and who love to create pleasant trifles for the home with their own hands. But this is exactly what brings comfort to our apartment. Before you start decoratingown house, it is desirable to get acquainted with the best examples of such interiors. They will inspire the birth of their own ideas and solutions. Despite the apparent ease, the interior is designed according to strict rules. Otherwise, the rooms will resemble a flea market, devoid of beauty and naturalness. In this living room, the boho style is represented almostcost-effective, with a slight touch of romanticism, and nostalgia for the past. For the decoration of the walls, a pleasant white color, decorated with geometric patterns, was selected. To focus attention on the recreation area, a white, fluffy rug is laid over the floorboard. The coffee table, made in the form of a gold small suitcase, serves as an excellent addition to the laconic forms of the sofa. The content of the article:

    The design is based on the following rules:

    • even if several styles are mixed in the interior at the same time, one color palette is preferred;
    • borrowed a huge amount of shades;
    • the interior is complemented by various decorative elements that carry information about the owner of the house;
    • preference is given to ethnic and vintage designs;
    • only ecological safe and natural finishing materials are used.

    For all the time of its existence, boho stylehas always been unique, doomed to remain unclaimed for most Russian families. Its global difference from the usual way of life is capable of knocking it off, but even every year it finds more and more loyal admirers.

    Mixing styles

    At first glance it seems that are located nearbyrandom items: designer lamp shade, vintage furniture, patchwork, Egyptian figurines, and more. Unlike minimalism, the interior boho creates chaos created from a variety of things, furniture, details and colors. Their main role is to show the ambitions, character and interests of the tenant, exposing all things to the public. In other words, the specific style of furniture and accessories cannot be attributed to the boho. This is a unique way of uniting practically all areas of design into one. Standard blend of color palette, materials and textures do not work, since the basic principle of creating an interior boho - the brighter, the more interesting. It may contain style:

  • pop art that shows the modern life rhythm,
  • industrial, characterized by the untreated texture of wood and other interior elements,
  • and even the direction of the loft, the invariable slogan of which is “at least partitions, but more fresh air”.
  • If you look more closely, you can find similarities with country style and many others, with the exception, perhaps, of the high-tech direction and similar to it.

    Colors: 3 or more shades

    The rules for color matching allow you to relax and love the bright colors in unusual combinations. Coloring should be pleasant to the eye. For example:

  • in the place of red designers advise to choose a strawberry color,
  • replace blue with sky blue
  • As an analogue of yellow, you should choose a lemon or a shade of dandelion.
  • Do not limit yourself to three shades. Fill the territory with various bright textiles, rich carpet paths, panels, ornaments and paintings. Another sample makes room comfortable andincredible ease. Now designers have picked up a simpler image, with a predominance of bohemian ornaments. On the bare white wall are several works that are not framed in a frame. On the dark floor sent a catchy round carpet. Mandatory ethnic detail is located in the upper part of the composition, but orange textiles stand out in particular.

    Ornament and motives

    For the boho direction, ethnicmotifs, complemented by national elements, patterns and unique symbols. Decorated furniture and accessories. Since the drawings and ornaments borrowed from different nations, you can see the most different, but most often there are curls, oriental patterns, paisley print and openwork floral motifs. As a rule, paintings, pillows, screens, rugs, curtains and bedspreads are filled with ornaments. They perfectly emphasize the extraordinary space, creating a calm and pleasant atmosphere of relaxation, where it is always pleasant to spend time. By choosing different elements with patterns,it is not necessary to think about how they fit together. Fancy accentric bedspreads, pillows, sofa shawls with embroidery, woven bedspreads, walkways, blankets, curtains, pillowcases, all kinds of covers for chairs and chairs, as well as other accessories create the most amazing color.

    Materials for decoration

    The classic version of the finishing boho:

    • is an ordinary plank floor,
    • similar finish for walls,
    • staggered tile.

    This background is the ideal basis fordecorating a variety of elements. In terms of finishing, this style manages to successfully combine expensive and very cheap items. For example, designers quite often make the decision to finish the floor with expensive laminate, while ordinary whitewashing is selected for the walls. Often found parquet, laid out in the form of "Christmas tree". The second popular option is to combine exquisite walls with an attractive decorative finish and an unpretentious ceiling that does not have any exquisite details. It should be noted that the walls are almost never finished with wallpaper, and if they are glued, then only to highlight any functional area. Despite the fact that the style does not accept anyrules, yet one condition must be met. First of all, it concerns the environmental friendliness and naturalness of the materials used. Consequently, linoleum is replaced by ceramic tiles or parquet. The design of the kitchen, with black and white tiles, is literally flooded with light and complemented by bohemian ornaments. Of course, it is desirable for owners to abandon plastic windows. Otherwise, their design should resemble wood, and not just fit the functional characteristics.

    The choice of materials for furniture

    The interior is found as the most simple.surfaces without the use of decorative details, as well as the presence of antiques, palace designs with venzili or fabric details. Similar chaos appears in the mix of design trends. For example, a sofa made of leather in country style harmoniously combines with wicker stools, an old Provence chest of drawers and a table made in strict Scandinavian style. The basic idea that lies on the design - not the slightest hint of the use of modern technology, as well as chrome-plated space parts.

    Attention to detail

    Boho style encourages owners to remember andput on display all the most attractive and expensive items for the soul: figurines, caskets, floor lamps, books, records, favorite photos, paintings and other trifles that gather dust on the entresol. Being the complete opposite of minimalism, boho so harmoniously exposes a large number of things that they are no longer perceived as unnecessary things. That is why it is ideal for creative natures, showing the rich spiritual world of its owner and everything with which he works almost every day. Designers are advised to focus on work.foreign authors, and on their own. It is allowed to use absolutely everything: plafonds, a table, a vintage sofa, needlework, own painted pictures, panels, statuettes, papier mache and others. You need a special equipment to harmoniously arrange a lot of graphic works in such a way that they can successfully interact with each other. However, the result of such work will cause admiration and delight. The contrast of black cylinders on the white walls,as well as the floral ornament traced in a black tone do not overload the decor. Complementing the old chest of drawers and red carpet - all this radiates a special individual character.

    Kitchen Features

    For decorating the dining area designersrecommend choosing shops, not familiar chairs, as well as to install heavy wood tables. If the owners do not like bulky furniture, you can choose the benches on small elegant steel legs. Preference should be given to ordinary tables and shelves made of wood, so modern coatings of the facade of furniture are not suitable.

    For the bedroom

    If the bohemian part of the soul wants to break free - the bedroom is a great place to express yourself. Need to focus on the basic rules, and give vent to fantasy.

    • Lighting should be soft and indirect, but flickering and warm. It is possible to obtain a similar effect due to the placement of openwork lamps, bright large balls, lamp shades and others.
    • In the role of furniture, you can use an old locker, decorated with your own hands, which radiates a bohemian mood. For the bedroom are great nightstands with rough doors and drawers.

    The combination of dark blue, white and yellow is possibleand is not traditional, but in this unique bedroom design they are combined at the right time. The colors complement each other against the dark walls, and the floral ornament appears as a natural and natural addition.

    For living room

    Recreation area is equipped with soft and comfortable furniture. A comfortable sofa, a couple of chairs go well with a small glass table.

  • It is allowed to use furniture trimmed with leather, but it must be decorated with a large number of pillows, sewn with different colors and styles.
  • It should not be forgotten that if the roomIt does not have large dimensions, a large number of parts can create an overload, so the owners in such a room will not be comfortable. In this case, you should install wicker furniture. For example, rattan products.
  • Style welcomes antique furniture and things, so the old grandmother's wardrobe will fit into it just the way.
  • Upholstered furniture, a glass table, a lot of pillows and a large ball on the linen, in combination with decorating elements simply radiate a bohemian character.
  • How to do it yourself

    Design in the boho style is not always unrestrained colors and creative mess. There is a feeling of confusion due to the location of the decor. The ceiling and floor are made in a single coarse manner. Getting started is first of alllisten to your inner worldviews. Choose only juicy shades, but the most natural. For example, if the room will dominate the red and green shades, then you need to make a choice not for acid and toxic colors, but for more natural and natural herbal shades. Attention should be paid to orange, blue,red, natural shades of yellow and herbal. The boho style is characterized by a mixture of colors, opening up opportunities for the designer. If desired, the color game can be replaced by the change of textures, but 4 main colors must be present necessarily. If the owners have no desire to create a color abundance, the interior can be distinguished due to different shades. As an example, you can look at image 1. Brown floors look impressive with a gray carpet. The interior is well complemented by pillows and blanket, made in an appropriate manner. Auxiliary parts in the form of colored glassdishes, various modern furniture, forged chandeliers and lamps, create a fervent atmosphere throughout the room. This design will surely appeal to creative, energetic and young representatives.

