Boots rabbits: Knitting with knitting needles for kids according to the master class

Boots rabbits: Knitting with knitting needles for kids according to the master class


If a child doesn't like to do something, there is onlyone way to change the situation is to turn it into a game. Not all kids like to dress up, but if the clothes resemble a funny toy, the process will be much more enjoyable. I offer you a master class that will help you knit very cute booties "Bunnies", made with knitting needles. Even the most capricious child will put them on with pleasure!

The course of knitting pinets

The master class was prepared by Ekaterina Kuryleva.
To knit bunny booties with knitting needles, weYou will need yarn of two contrasting colors. Pink and white are suitable for girls, blue and light gray for boys. Choose the yarn composition based on the season. Cotton, viscose or silk are suitable for summer and spring. Wool, acrylic, kid mohair are suitable for the cold season. In our case, the yarn composition is 50% wool, 50% acrylic, it is soft, hypoallergenic and very warm. You will also need a set of stocking knitting needles that match the size of the yarn.

Knit Pins The length of the stack of these pinsIs 13 cm. You are guided by the length of the child's legs for which you are knitting. If possible, try on while knitting, or find out the exact size of the leg, if you are knitting on order. Legend, which will occur in the description of knitting cute bunnies:

  • Row-P;
  • Loop - P;
  • Facial loop - LP;
  • The back loop - IP;
  • Spoke - joint venture.

This master class does not contain a schema, it's justFollow the descriptions. We begin work with the soles of the "bunnies". We knit the yarn of the main color. We type on the spokes five loops. 1P - all LP. In the second P we add. To do this, from the second and fourth П we untype two P. First enter the SP on the front wall, pull out the loop, and again insert the spoke into the same P, just behind the back wall. The remaining P knit IP.

Now there are seven sts on the needle. 3R – LP. 4R – cm.Second row. Got 9 P. 5R – LP. 6R – see the second row. On the SP there are 11 P. 7R-19R – knit with the front surface without increases. 20R – see the second row. Make two increases, on the SP there are 13 P. 21R-29R – front surface. 30R – knit the first and second P together IP, then all the loops IP, the penultimate and the last P together IP. 31R – LP. 32R – see 30 R. 33R – LP. Next, in each even R we make a decrease at the beginning and at the end of the R, and knit the even Rs LP, until there are 5 P. left on the SP.

Close the loops. The sole of the "bunnies" is ready!

We pass on a yarn of other color and we knit"Denticles". We select on the sides of the soles of 16 P, on the toe 6, and 8 P on the heel. 1P - all PI. We knit from the inside of the booties. 2P - two П together ИП, further we make накид, again two together ИП and so on each joint venture. This simple scheme, thanks to which later on our booties will get "denticles". 3P-4R - IP. From the front side of the product we attach the thread of the main color and knit 5 R-in.

Let's start forming the toe of the bootie.We will work on SP with five loops. We knit all the P from the knitting needle LP, we put the fifth loop on the adjacent SP on the left and we put the first P on the one that we just put on. We return the resulting P back. We knit the next R IP, and with the last P we do the same as in the previous R. Thus, the loops on the sides are reduced. We continue to decrease until there are 6 and 7 P left on the side knitting needles.

We knit two rows using the IP method.We work on the inner side of the fabric. Now, we knit five rows with a 1x1 elastic band. Five rows of LP. Row all LP. Five more rows of LP. We switch to yarn of a different color: R - LP, R - IP, R - LP, R - IP (four rows in total).

With the main color yarn, two R LP. Again, change the thread: R - LP, R - IP, R - LP, R - IP. Close the loops and make a turn-up.

Now we need to sew the "teeth". Turn the bootie inside out and use a needle to sew the upper seams to the lower ones, as shown in the photo.

That's what happened from our "bunnies".

We knit ears for bunnies. Let's go to knitting ears. It is because of this element booties are called "Bunnies". We will type on the SP a yarn of an additional color 18 P. 1Р - ИП. 2Р-5Р - we change yarn, facial smoothness. 6Р-7Р - we change a curl, a facial smooth surface, we close loops. The billet is ready.

Fold the strip in half and sew with a needle. Now fold it like this, as shown in the photo and sew inside.
Using the same principle, we make the second ear and sew them to the booties. You can embroider the nose with a contrasting thread, and you can also sew or embroider the eyes. The "Bunnies" booties made with knitting needles are ready!

Video tutorial on knitting pinets

About how to knit such booties bunnies, you can find out by watching a video master class on the channel "Happy Rukudelnitsa". The video consists of three parts, look carefully at all. Good luck!

Photo of an example of knitting pinets

