Gift frame with hand engraving – do-it-yourself crafts and crafts
What could be better than a gift givenwith your own hands. Especially, on the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, which our country celebrates on July 8. We suggest making an original frame for a photo that captures a happy moment of your life. Family, Love and Fidelity Day was established in 2008 in memory of the Orthodox patrons of marriage, the holy faithful Peter and Fevronia, who lived in Murom in the 13th century. They became an example of marital fidelity, mutual love and family happiness during their lifetime. According to legend, Peter and Fevronia died on the same day, their bodies, laid in different places, miraculously ended up next to each other. Despite the fact that this holiday appeared quite recently, it has become revered and beloved. On this day, many want to prepare a special gift for their closest and dearest person, and one made by themselves, with great tenderness and warmth. What you need: - Dremel Engraver with a carbide engraving attachment (9924); – frame; – pencil and eraser.Step 1 So, let's get started.First, you need to use your imagination a little and come up with patterns, so to speak, lines and figures for the frame. These can be hearts, wavy lines, flowers. Carefully draw the picture on the frame. Use a simple pencil with a thick stroke to highlight the contours and thus make the image more expressive.
Step 2 Carefully erase the extra lines with an eraser andStart engraving. Use the Dremel Engraver with the Carbide Engraving Bit (9924). Work at high speed, cutting the design onto the frame along the pencil lines. Blow off dust as you work.
Step 3 Once the main shapes are finished,start making small marks/patterns (branches, petals) and round dots around the hearts. This way you can embellish the love symbol and add variety to the wavy lines.
After finishing work, wipe the surface of the frame.soft cloth to remove dust. That's how easy and simple, in just three steps, you can make an original photo frame and please your loved ones. They will certainly appreciate your care and love that you put into the gift.