Bouquet of roses and lilies – polymer clay flowers and DIY polymer flowers
How to make a bouquet of polymer clay with your own hands? This question is asked by many readers and for good reason. Lately, "eternal flowers" have become very popular.Bouquet of roses and lilies - flowers made of polymerclay and polymer flowers with your own hands And polymer clay allows you to achieve sheer realism for such a product. With the help of your own hands and special material, tools, it will not be difficult to master all the necessary parameters and recreate the desired version of a flower bouquet with your own hands.
- Clay polymer composition is perfect for the product
- You will also need a board made of glass for clay
- The usual clerical knife for processing pieces of clay
- A pinch of glass or ceramic, also a clay machine
- Toothpick
- Brush for sketching
- Decor items (beads, tulle or ribbon)
Before you start working, you need claytransform into a homogeneous mass. To do this, the clay must be kneaded into pieces and then combined into one solid piece. To avoid any fingerprints on the product, it is necessary to work with gloves. Preparing the roseTo make a rose, you need to take a sausageand roll it out to its full length and divide it into 9 different sized pieces. We roll the resulting pieces into small balls, which we will work with as with petals. The ball must be taken in one hand and, using the fingers of the other hand, processed by pressing into the center of the palm in order to obtain a round and flat ball. We do this with each of the nine balls. The first petal must be twisted into a tube in the form of a conical object. This is to form the middle for the flower. then, it is necessary to attach the remains of the small petals and then the large ones. We have prepared the rose. It will become the basis of the element for our bouquet.
How to make lilies?
Those who roll the clay thinly and then cut it outusing a stationery knife, the petals will get a lily. It can be added to a bouquet. A ribbed version of the outline for the product can be given using a toothpick. Using watercolor paint, we depict the necessary points that will be inherent in the line of the tiger version.
We connect and decorate our bouquet with ribbons, beads and wire. We place it in a tulle lining. And here is the bouquet ready!