Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot when making bracelets with your own hands.

Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot when making bracelets with your own hands.

Weaving with rubber bands is quite new.a type of creativity. Its homeland is America, and only now this type of art has reached our country. “What exactly has this technique conquered the world with?” you ask. Everything is very simple here, the materials are available to people with different income levels, the technique is quite simple, and the result captivates with its brightness, unusualness and diversity. This hobby is typical for many girls and young women, this is not surprising, because doing your favorite thing and making many bright accessories, you can get a lot of pleasure. Moreover, it is so nice to realize that you have a large selection of original jewelry at your disposal, which can always be matched to a certain outfit. Engaging in such creativity and developing your skills in weaving from rubber bands, you can become the owner of many beautiful and unique necklaces, earrings, rings, phone cases and many other interesting things. Today, there are several techniques for weaving jewelry and accessories from rubber bands:

  • finger weaving;
  • weaving on a special machine;
  • fork weaving.

To engage in such creative work additionallyThe following tools may be useful: a hook, a special machine designed for weaving, and an ordinary table fork. The list of tools may vary slightly, everything will depend on the weaving technique you choose. So, in order to master the art of making jewelry from rubber bands, you need to start with the simplest weaves, which will serve as the basis in subsequent works. Moreover, by initially doing simple weaves, you will gain experience in this matter and will not discourage yourself from developing in this direction. Additional emphasis should be placed on the fact that most often manufacturers recommend doing such creativity from the age of 8.

Weaving on the fingers

If you have a set of rubber bands in your handsweaving various decorations, then to begin with you should master the simplest patterns that do not require the use of a slingshot, hook or machine. Thanks to this, you will get a quick result and can move on to the next, more complex stage. There are a huge number of techniques for making jewelry from rubber bands on your fingers. Beginners and amateurs initially master easier to perform techniques, like an ordinary chain. Having got your hand in, you can try to make something more complex. This can be weaving “fishtail”, “sidewalk” and much more. And below we will try to analyze some of the basic techniques using examples. Basic pattern To master the technique of weaving items from rubber bands, it is initially better to master basic patterns, the manufacture of which does not require any special tools. One of these weaves is considered to be “chain”. The process of making the “chain” pattern from rubber bandsBracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot when manufacturing the bracelets with our own hands. Photo # 1

  • The first thing you need to do is put the rubber band on your middle and index fingers, twisting it into a figure eight.
  • Next, put the second rubber band on top of the same fingers without twisting it.
  • Now you need to remove the first elastic band twisted in a figure eight and put both of its loops on the last ring. You can see an example in the photo.
  • Continue doing this untiluntil you are satisfied with the length of the product. At the end of the work, attach an S-shaped fastening to the decoration, it will serve as a clasp. Fishtail weaving on the fingers

  • First, you need to put the rubber band on your index and middle fingers, twisting it into the shape of an infinity sign.
  • Place the second elastic band on the same fingers, but without twisting it. Also use the third elastic band and put it on top. There is no need to twist it either.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot when manufacturing the bracelets with our own hands .. Photo # 2
  • Next, take a hook, use it to pull the bottom elastic band on one side and pass it over the next two.
  • The same procedure must be performed on the other side. You should get the result as illustrated in the picture.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot when manufacturing the bracelets with our own hands .. Photo # 3
  • Put on another elastic band and do the same manipulations with the last loops as in points 3, 4.
  • These steps need to be repeated until the bracelet reaches the length you need. Finish the work by securing the ends of the product with a special clasp. Fishtail turned inside out

  • To begin, put a rubber band in the shape of an eight on two fingers. Repeat the same procedure two more times and in the end you should have three rubber bands twisted into eights on your fingers.
  • Next, you need to place the loops of the middle elastic band down under the loops of the first elastic band. Do this as shown in the illustration.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot to make the bracelets with our own hands .. Photo # 4
  • Now put the elastic band that is in the middle on both sides over the first one. You should get the same combination as in the illustration.
  • The next step is to put the fourth rubber band on your fingers. However, you do not need to twist it. Repeat the same steps that were done earlier. You can see an example in the illustration.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot when manufacturing the bracelets with our own hands. Photo # 5
  • Now your task is to duplicate all the actions until the bracelet reaches the length you need.

    Weaving on the slingshot

    If you are planning to master weaving techniquesrubber band products on a slingshot, then, of course, you need to start with easier options. Those products that are woven on a slingshot can also be made on fingers, but still, using the tool is more convenient. You will not squeeze your skin. Moreover, weaving a product on a slingshot, you can easily distract yourself from this activity, putting the slingshot aside. Weaving a bracelet on your fingers, you need to finish the decoration in any case, otherwise you will have to weave from the very beginning. If it is most convenient to weave products of one color on your fingers so as not to cause confusion, then, using a slingshot, you can use several colors in making accessories. Most often, a slingshot is a plastic product, on one side of which there are two posts, on which you can weave lighter products. On the other side of the tool there are four posts on which wider jewelry is woven. Basically, simpler slingshots with two posts are sold in ready-made kits, and these are the ones we will need. "Sidewalk" on a slingshot The "Sidewalk" weave, made on a slingshot, is considered quite simple to perform. Any beginner in this art can easily recreate it. For such weaving, it is best to use rubber bands of two contrasting colors, and they should be put on in pairs.

  • First, put a double rubber band twisted into a figure eight on the slingshot.
  • Then put on the second pair, but without twisting. To get a stylish bracelet, alternate the two colors of the rubber bands.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot to make the bracelets with our own hands .. Photo # 6
  • Now, from one of the slingshot columns, throw the bottom double loop up. As a result, you have two loops left on one column, and one on the second.
  • Put on the next elastic band of a different color.Now take the two bottom rubber bands of the pole where you got three loops and throw them to the center. As you can see, everything has changed places: the peg where there was one loop now holds two rubber bands, and the one where there were two loops now holds one rubber band.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot when manufacturing the bracelets with your own hands. Photo # 7
  • After that, place another one on the slingshotelastic band of a contrasting color and continue weaving in the manner described above: throw the two lower loops to the center from the peg on which three loops are located.
  • Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot to make the bracelets with our own hands .. Photo # 8Keep working until you get itbracelet of the required length. "French braid" made on a slingshot Now let's take a closer look at another fairly popular weaving on a slingshot, this will be "French braid". This name is absolutely not accidental, since in its appearance the weaving is similar to a hairstyle popular among all fashionistas. So, take the slingshot in your left hand with the teeth up, the recess should look straight at you. Also, as in the previous version, we will weave products alternating elastic bands of contrasting colors.

  • Put on the first loop, twisting it into a figure eight.The first loop is always treated in this way, since it serves as the base of the entire product. All subsequent elastic bands will be put on the slingshot without twisting, but do not forget to alternate the colors of the product.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot when manufacturing the bracelets with our own hands. Photo # 9
  • Next, put a couple more pieces on top of the figure eight, but you don’t need to twist them anymore.
  • Now, using a hook, carefully lift the bottom elastic of one of the posts and move it to the center, covering all the other loops. The same procedure must be done on the other side.
  • Put on another elastic band.Now you need to pick up the bottom elastic of the right column and move it to the center. On the left side, you need to do the same procedure, but not with the bottom elastic, but with the middle one.
  • Put on the next elastic band of a contrasting color. Now you need to first move the bottom elastic band of the left column to the center, and then the middle elastic band of the right column.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot to make the bracelets with our own hands .. Photo # 10
  • This is how we get the weaving“French braid”. Continuing to weave in this manner, make a bracelet and secure the ends using an S-shaped clasp. “Angel heart” The master class below will help you master such a weaving technique as “angel heart”. The bracelet got this name due to its appearance. In the center of the weave there is a braid, which is surrounded by hearts on both sides. Such a product will look very bright on the hand. And for work you need to prepare rubber bands of two colors, a slingshot and a hook. Instructions

  • As usual, we put the first ring on the instrument in the shape of a figure eight, and we put the second ring on top without twisting it.
  • The bottom rubber band from the left column needs to be moved to the center, and from the right - move the top rubber band to the other column. It should turn out as illustrated in the photo.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to brace a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot when manufacturing bracelets with your own hands. Photo # 11
  • Put on the third elastic band. Take the bottom elastic band from the right and move it to the center. On the left, you need to grab the top elastic band and move it to the opposite post.
  • Next, put on a contrasting elastic band that will match the braid in the center. Move the middle elastic bands to the center on both sides.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot to make the bracelets with our own hands. Photo # 12
  • The following combination will be repeated asyour weaving: put on an elastic band (the color of the hearts), on the left, drop the lower loop to the center, and on the right - transfer the upper elastic band to the opposite column of the slingshot. Put on another elastic band corresponding to the color of the hearts, move the lower loop to the center on the right, and on the left - transfer the upper loop to another column.
  • Next, you need to put on an elastic band that matches the color of the chain and repeat the entire combination. Weave to the desired length, when the accessory is ready, secure both ends with a plastic clasp.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot to make the bracelets with our own hands. Photo # 13
  • Weaving a bracelet from rubber bands usingbeads A pretty cute model of jewelry using beads will appeal to any girl. The master class presented below will help you easily make such jewelry with your own hands. For such jewelry we will need about 20 rubber bands, 6 beads and a plastic clasp. All work is done manually, without the need for additional tools. To make the process more convenient, choose beads with wider holes.

  • You need to take three rubber bands: one - on one side and two (contrasting color) - on the other. Put one rubber band into the other two as shown in the photo.
  • Hook two rubber bands from under the single one with your fingers, thread them down and pull the elements of the structure in different directions.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot to make the bracelets with our own hands .. Photo # 14
  • Pull the single piece towards one edge so that it wraps around the double piece.
  • Now insert a bead into one of the two rubber bands.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot to make the bracelets with our own hands .. Photo №15
  • Next, you need to put the next ring (in a contrasting color) on the ends of the two rubber bands so that its lower end passes under the double loop.
  • The other two elastic bands are put on the free end of the last elastic band. Their upper ends need to be passed inside the single loop and pulled out.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot to make the bracelets with our own hands .. Photo # 16
  • After this, repeat steps 4-6. Reach the desired length and secure the loose loops with a clasp.Bracelets made of rubber bands with their own hands, how to weave a bracelet made of rubber bands, weaving bracelets on the fingers, using a slingshot when manufacturing the bracelets with our own hands. Photo # 17
  • If you want to take up this art form,then all the photo instructions and descriptions listed above will help you master a new technique for making unusual and bright jewelry. Perform actions according to the given algorithms, alternate putting on rings and throwing off loops to form new and beautiful patterns. Try experimenting with making jewelry. After all, in addition to bracelets, you can get rings, intricate animal figures that will become an original pendant for a mobile phone or a keychain. You can also use such jewelry as souvenirs for your loved ones and acquaintances.

