Bracelet toy for crumbs with their own hands / Toys with their hands, patterns, video, MK

Bracelet toy for crumbs with their own hands / Toys with their hands, patterns, video, MK

Small children adore everything that is fierce and unusual, buteven more their attention is attracted by ringing things. That is why the bracelet-rattle for newborns perfectly suits for the role of the first toy with which the crumb for a long time will not want to leave. A simple and illustrated master class in this will help.

Ringing flower-semicolour

Before making a rattle for a newborn baby, prepare everything you need to create a toy: Violet flower-semicolour-3

  • felt or fleece in different colors, ideally there should be nine;
  • thread-mule of suitable colors;
  • sintepon or other filler;
  • Velcro;
  • needles;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • line;
  • adhesive fabric or braid;
  • sewing chalk;
  • iron.

Vibrant flower-semicolour-4The role of the ringing bells on the bracelet can be made by a fishing bell, one will be enough, since too sharp and loud sounds scare the newborns. The master class for creating a flower Violet flower-semicolour-5

  • From the cardboard sheet make the following patterns: a strip of 16x2 cm for a bracelet, two circles of different diameters for a flower (5 and 3, 5 cm) and a blank for petals.
  • From the fabric for the base, cut two strips plus allowances for the seams. Of glutinous - a circle of 3.5 cm and two strips, without allowances.
  • On orange fleece, circle and cut out two details for the middle of the flower.
  • From multi-colored fleece, cut out 7 petals of the future toy, as shown in the photo to the master class. Do not forget to leave allowances on the seams.
  • Spray the adhesive with water and glue on the base parts.
  • Proceed to the stitching of the petals. To do this, fold it in half and stitch the opposite sides. Turn out all 7 petals and fill them with sintepon for volume.
  • Fold the details of the base with the inside sides(glue out) and sew three sides, leaving one edge unmarked, through it the bracelet will need to be turned out, and only after that gently sew the last side.
  • Sew a velcro.
  • On the basis of the bracelet-toy, sew a circle of smaller diameter, glue cloth up, and on it in turn, fix all the petals.
  • A large circle sew on the edge and garnish. In the resulting bag, put a little sintepona and bells, sew the middle of the flower. For a more reliable fixing, pierce the petals through and make the reverse stitch on a floral basis.
  • A bright and ringing bracelet for newborns is very easy to make, and fleece and felt can be replaced with any other fabric of different shades. Ringing flower-semicolour

    Cheerful bee

    The toy on the wrist can not only be sewn, it will be an excellent option for mom-needleworkers to tie a rattle. To create a harmless striped flyer you will need:

    • crochet hook;
    • suitable threads of two colors - black and orange;
    • rubber for hair or a bracelet base on Velcro (you can make it from the previous master class);
    • a balloon from a kinder-surprise or a package of shoe covers;
    • Beads or something small and round, for example, dry peas.

    Step-by-step master class on making a rattle with your own hands

  • Fill the can with beads or peas, or both can be together, and close tightly.
  • Dial orange-thread five or six air loops and close them in the ring.
  • In a circle, start tying stakes out of loops, without a crochet, at your discretion making an addition of one or two loops per row.
  • After knitting four full circles, tie a strip of similar width with a black thread.
  • Continuing to alternate the threads, tie up to the middlethe body of the future toy and symmetrically on each side make two buttonholes, typing six air loops for this. Through them, then the base of the bracelet or the hair band will be passed, so the size of the "ears" is determined at the discretion of the master.
  • Regardless of the pattern in the next row, let the thread of black color, necessarily tying air loops. It will not be necessary to touch them any more.
  • Start making a decrease, for convenience, insert your container. This will simplify the work, and it will be convenient for you to close the "cover" directly on the basis.
  • Insert the base for the bracelet or the cut rubber into the loops (it must be sewn back).
  • Cheerful beeFollowing the master class, make black eye-nodules and wings on the back of the bee. That's all, good Maya is ready to make friends with the newborn baby.

