You can build a frame house with your own hands, there is nothing super complicated in this. The main thing is to do everything neatly and according to the standards, but our recommendations with photos and diagrams will help you in this.
We build a frame house with our own hands Popularityframe houses is growing every day, which is due to the simplicity of its construction and short installation time. Basically, such houses are built in summer cottages for seasonal living, although it is possible to equip a frame house for year-round living. When undertaking the independent construction of a frame house, it is important to take into account the main criterion - the period of residence. Stage No. 1. Laying the foundation. Due to their low weight, frame houses do not require a very strong and massive foundation. As such, piles (screw), small concrete pillars and a not very deep concrete foundation are usually used. Before choosing a foundation, you should find out what type of soil prevails on your site and decide on the number of floors. A columnar foundation can easily withstand the load of a one-story house, even on loose soil. Laying a columnar foundation begins with the purchase of 120-150 small pillars. Then you need to dig or drill holes for them about a meter deep and about 20 centimeters in diameter. Between the holes you need to keep a distance of about 75-80 centimeters. After that, asbestos-cement pipes are installed in the holes. It is best to fill the remaining space with sand and crushed stone and tamp it down. Then concrete or cement mortar is carefully poured into the hole in the posts. It is not at all necessary to wait for the concrete to harden before moving on to the next stage.The laying of a pile foundation can be doneindependently, without involving additional workers. This type of work requires manual labor, because the screwing of piles should be done only according to the level, completely eliminating deviations. You should also not ignore the main rule - unscrewing and then re-screwing piles is strictly prohibited. If any pile is screwed in incorrectly, it is preferable to leave it as is, so as not to destroy the compacted soil. Stage No. 2. Installation of a frame house. Those who are going to build a frame house on their own already know that the two most popular technologies for their construction are Canadian and Finnish, which are based on almost identical principles. It does not matter which technology you choose for yourself, since the main stages of building frame houses are the same for both cases. 1. First, choose the material for the future frame. It can be either metal (in particular, steel) or wood. Now one of the most popular, due to its environmental friendliness, cost-effectiveness and ease of installation, are wooden frames. When using steel materials, the frame is lighter and cheaper, and additional funds can be saved on foundation work. For such a frame, it is allowed to use metal fasteners, for a wooden one - dowels.2.Having decided on the material, we proceed to laying the floor. First, roofing felt or roofing paper is laid on the base. After that, a beam is installed along the entire length of the perimeter of your house, which serves as the base of the subfloor. Unedged boards are suitable for it. Before this, you should cut out the logs and lay some kind of heat-insulating material between them, which will serve as protection from moisture and cold. Before laying the boards, we recommend treating them with appropriate materials that protect against mold and rot.3. Now we move on to the walls.First of all, they are mounted on a flat surface, and then installed. Do not forget to make braces for all sides of the walls, which are necessary as support for the racks. 4. The installation of the walls should be done taking into account the planned ceiling height. A ceiling of about 2.5 meters will be quite sufficient. At the same time, even after finishing, its height will not be lower than 2.3 meters.5. The installed frame begins to be covered with boards.The construction of frame-panel houses occurs according to a similar principle. 6. Decide on the number and size of windows. It is desirable that their area does not exceed 20% of the wall area. The choice of double-glazed windows is up to you, but if you are building an all-season house, it is preferable to opt for three-chamber double-glazed windows.7.Having finished with the wall paneling, you should make the roof. The main requirement is that it should not leak. It would be a good idea to lay heat and waterproofing materials between the beams. It is better to cover it with metal tiles on the outside. Siding, clapboard, and sandwich panels are perfect for decorative finishing of the house.8. The house should be additionally insulated.It is advisable to do this outside and inside the house. For the internal stage of insulation, plasterboard panels (especially vinyl) and mineral wool are ideal. Naturally, the insulation is done outside before covering the house with siding or plastic clapboard.For external insulation, a lathing is formed,the space between the slats of which mineral wool is placed, and polystyrene foam is laid on it. The space between the sheets of polystyrene foam and the racks is blown with mounting foam. There are options for external insulation without using lathing. Internal insulation occurs approximately according to the same algorithm. Mineral wool is laid between the racks, which is covered with polystyrene foam. Stage No. 3. Installation of vapor barrier at home. In residential buildings, the presence of vapor barrier is due to the presence of places with high humidity - this is, first of all, the bathroom and kitchen. Experts say that their humidity level exceeds that of the open air.In order to avoid mistakes when installing vapor barrier, it is necessary to take into account the following important points:
- in any case you can not use homemadematerials or polyethylene instead of the factory vapor barrier. Despite its external similarity with polyethylene, the vapor barrier film has a multilayer structure;
- when installing vapor-insulating materials it is necessary to watch that it does not tear during installation and is securely glued to the walls;
- do not install the vapor barrier from the outsideat home, there is wind protection for this. The device of the vapor barrier must be carried out exclusively inside the house. In doing so, make sure that the membrane is mounted with the correct side;
- remember that the vapor barrier layeris installed on the heat insulator, and in no case is the reverse. The condensate, formed from moisture, is harmful, first of all, to the heat-insulating layer. With a poor vapor barrier, condensate will get inside the insulation and after a couple of seasons you will wonder: why did the insulation cease to function? The fact is that moisture causes the formation of cracks in the heat-insulating layer, and then can reach up to the boards. Considering the fact that the main thickness of the walls is set by a heater, when it is destroyed, your frame house will quickly become unsuitable;
- When installing a vapor barrier layer, it is important not to forget that there should be natural air movement in the house, or as they say, it should “breathe”;
- If you take a risk instead of the factory vapor barrierinstall polyethylene, be prepared for the fact that very soon the rooms will begin to form fungus, mold and dampness, and the presence of forced ventilation will not improve the situation. Absolutely sealing the house, polyethylene, together with the same airtight elements as double-glazed windows and double doors, will create a not too healthy atmosphere.