Assembly of a ladder made of wood with own hands with step by step instruction

Assembly of a ladder made of wood with own hands with step by step instruction

В каждом доме не обойтись без стремянки, ведь If your light bulb burns out, a cobweb gathers in the corner, or the curtain falls off its hinges, you won't be able to get to the right place. Of course, if you're not more than two meters tall, because otherwise, even with a stool at hand, you won't be able to solve any problem.Assembly of a ladder made of wood with your own hands is a step-by-step instruction. Photo №1How to assemble it at home?a real stepladder and will it be expensive? Now it is not so easy to find wooden stepladders on store shelves, one can say that they have been eradicated from production and this was done for several reasons. On the one hand, in the fight for the environment and deforestation, and on the other, in order to save on transportation and raw materials. After all, it is no secret that wooden stepladders are quite heavy and bulky, unlike aluminum stepladders. The price of an aluminum ladder, in turn, depends on the thickness of the metal, height and functionality, and it can reach several hundred dollars. How can you avoid paying a large sum of money and get an irreplaceable thing? You will have to sweat a little and walk around the construction market or store. After all, it is there that you will be able to find all the necessary materials to make a mobile ladder yourself. For this you will need: 1. Wood saw 2. Wooden boards (based on the desired result of the stepladder, buy the required number of boards) 3. Wood screws 4. PVA glue 5. Small 90 degree angles with holes for screws 6. If necessary, two fastened rocker arms for a double stepladder 7. Screwdriver with a Phillips attachment 8. Wood drill bit (2 mm) 9. Sandpaper 10. Enamel paint and a brush Well, let's get started! And at the very beginning, you should visualize how your stepladder will look. Have you imagined it? Then take a piece of paper and a pen, draw on the paper approximately the height of the stepladder, based on the table with readings and the goals you need. Remember that the stepladder should go in a wedge so that it can be more stable on the ground and you do not fall on it to the side. Each step on the stairs should be parallel to a person's foot, for ease of standing on it.Assembly of a ladder made of wood with your own hands is a step-by-step instruction. Photo # 2If all the measurements are done, then it's timestart cutting the wood and adjusting it for joining. The wood you will use should not be too dry or too wet. Try to choose boards that have as few black cores or nicks as possible, as this may interfere with your further framing of the wood. The two longest, support sticks should be reliable and dense enough. In order to achieve the most successful wedge-shaped appearance of the stepladder, each step of the ladder should be slightly smaller than the previous one. A 2-3 cm gap is enough, with 5-7 steps, this way you will achieve the ideal ratio. To ensure that the steps are as securely fastened as possible, make side through holes with a thin drill in the support sticks and in the step itself and drill them together with long wood or metal screws (usually they are gold in color, they are stronger). The holes are made so that the board, which is intended for the step, does not crack while you are screwing in the screw, especially if it is a metal screw.Assembly of a ladder made of wood with your own hands is a step-by-step instruction. Picture №3From below, on small (black) wood screws,Drill a 90-degree angle so that it fits tightly to the step and the support pole. There should be two such angles, under each of the steps. Angles made of hard steel, hot iron or cast iron are best. If you want each of the steps to fit into pre-defined grooves of the support pole, you will need to work with a chisel and hammer. But remember that by making slots, you can reduce the strength of the support pole and over time these places will become more vulnerable to cracks. Having screwed all the necessary steps from the bottom to the very top, you can make another support for the stepladder itself if necessary. This is done so that in the absence of a wall or tree to lean on, you can always install the stepladder immovably on any surface.Assembly of a ladder made of wood with your own hands is a step-by-step instruction. Photo №4This part of the stepladder can have a mirror finishreflection, or only consist of support poles of the same length and two intermediate steps, above and below, also equal in length. The two parts of the stepladder are connected to each other with special fasteners in the form of a crescent, which are fastened, but can move from side to side. After doing this, take coarse sandpaper and completely sand both parts of the ladder so that there are no small burrs or other bulges on them. This precaution will help you protect your body from the penetration of foreign objects during the operation of the stepladder. After sanding, paint the stepladder with paint and let it dry well. The paint will protect the wood from the effects of dampness and moisture.Assembly of a ladder made of wood with your own hands is a step-by-step instruction. Photo №5Make sure that in the middle of each of thesupport poles you had stretchers to fix the stepladder when sliding to the sides. You can make them from a regular thick rope and a pair of fixed screws. This will prevent the stepladder from sliding to the sides when on a too slippery surface or under a heavy load.Assembly of a ladder made of wood with your own hands is a step-by-step instruction. Photo №6To check if you have managed to make a reliablestepladder or not, you will need two weights that you should hang in the middle of the stepladder. The stepladder itself should be on two supports on each side, at a height of more than a meter. Having hung like this for at least an hour without cracks or breaks, you can confidently stand on your ladder and use it. When performing any actions with wood, screws, a saw and many other tools, use gloves and safety glasses. This will protect your eyesight and hands from damage.

