Butterfly crocheted. Master class from Valentina Litvinova

Butterfly crocheted. Master class from Valentina Litvinova

Butterfly - beauty. Master class of Valentina Litvinova! Make a sliding loop. 3 v.p. lifting, 2s., 2 cp, 3 cc, 2 cp, 3 cms, 2 cp, 3 cc, 2 cp, 3 cc, 2 cms ., 1 sb, 11 cp, 1 cb, 11 cp, 1 sb, 2 cp. in the first doctoral dissertation, 3 connecting loops, 3 bp, 2 d.c. under 2 cp. the previous series, 3 cp, 3 d. under two points. previous series, 3 d. , 3 cp, 3 d.c. under 2 cp, 3 cc, 3 cp, 3 s.c. under two points. previous series, 3 dns, 3 cp, 3 d. 4 connecting loops, 4 bp, 6 s.2 n, 2 bp, 2 s, 2 bp. under 3 cp, 7 s.2 n, 2 cp, 2 s.c., 2 cp, 7 s.2 n, 2 s.p., 2 s.on, 2 cp, 7 с.2 н. 5 cp. lifting, 1 s.2 n., 1 st, 1 s.2n., 1 st, 1 s.2n, 1 st, 1c.2n, 1v.p., 1c.2n ., 2 vp, 2c.n with common top, 2in.p., 1c.2n, 1v.p., 1c.2n, 1v.p., 1c.2n., 1v.p., 2c. .p, 1c.2n, 1pp, 1c.2n, 1dp, 1c.2n, 1vp, 1c.2n, 1vp, 1c.2n, 1в.п., 1с.2н., 1в.п., 1с.2н., 2 в.п. to the top of two d.s. repeat everything to the end of the series. 2 connecting loops, 3 cp, sb, 3vp, sb, 3vp, sb, 3vp, 1sb, 3в.п., 1с.б.н., 3в.п., 1с.б.н, 3в.п., 1с.б.н, 3в.п., 1с.б.н., 3в.п. , Ph.D. repeat to the end of the row. 1 vp, sb, 4vp, sb, sb, 4vp, sb, 4vp, sb. n, 3в.п., с.б.н, 3в.п., s.b.n and so to the end of the series. s.b.n. under 4 v.p., 3v.p., 3s.n., a pico of 3-hp, 3s.n. under 4v.p., 3s.n., a pico of three v.p. ., 3s.n, repeat 4 petals. 3в.п., с.б.н., 1в.п., 4 petals under 4 v.p., 1в.п., с.б.н, 1в.п., 4 petals under 4 v.p., 1в. .p., 3in.p., 4 stumps for 4 sts. Used for dressing clothes. Butterfly knitting pattern: Author of work Wait, download ...

