Butterflies from beads with their own hands, how to weave, master class, schemes / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

Butterflies from beads with their own hands, how to weave, master class, schemes / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

Butterflies - one of the most beautiful creaturesnature. They live next to us beautiful, mysterious and unvalued to the extent they deserve. A beautiful creation of nature, a part of which we can weave from beads and have it in the form of a craft created by our own hands. This weaving is on hand even for beginners.

Blue Butterfly

  • It is necessary to dial 35 beads on the wire.

Blue Butterfly

  • Pass one end of the wire again through 15 beads, making a ring.

Blue Butterfly-2

  • Type 16 more beads by passing the second end of the wire through 11.

Blue Butterfly-3

  • Type 14 more pcs. beads, having passed the second end through 5 of them.

Blue Butterfly-4

  • Repeat: 9 and 6 beads.

Blue Butterfly-5

  • At the same time, you can make the trunk of ourof an insect. The weaving begins with a set of three beads. Both ends of the wire pass through the fourth bead. String on each of them one more and repeat these manipulations 3 more times.

Blue Butterfly-6

  • Finish the wickerwork. The scheme of weaving is slightly different: we collect 25 beads on one end of the wire and twist the wire between each other. Such wings, as you yourself know, we need to make two.

Blue Butterfly-7

  • The finished blue butterfly of beads will be obtained after we have connected all parts of our craft.

Blue Butterfly-8

Openwork butterfly

The principle of weaving in it is exactly the same. But:

  • each wing consists of two parts that are weaved separately;
  • The wings themselves are made of beads of two colors. The diagram shows how they should be combined;
  • The butterfly's body consists of one column of beads of different diameters;
  • The wing contains several elements that are difficult for novice masters.

To make a ringlet, start weaving with the topwing edges. Having typed on a wire one black bead, we twist a wire, then we dial 4 more black and 4 white beads, start to weave a ringlet. Note that the wire doubles through 2 black, 7 white and again through 2 black beads. Openwork butterflyThe two lower "feathers" of our wing are typed into one thread. The lower second wing of our beauty is symmetrical, so we knit from the top in any direction. Openwork butterfly-2Connect all the details, as suggested by the diagram, a bead from a bead is ready for flight. Openwork butterfly-3

A simple butterfly

The proposed scheme of weaving is very simple andit is suitable for the first works of beginning masters. Despite this, the butterfly turns out quite beautiful. Material for work is also required standard:

  • beads of three colors;
  • wire diameter of 0.3 mm - 40 cm.

How to make the antennae so curly. After you finish the weaving, straighten the ends of the wire, cut off the excess, leaving 5 cm behind, and, having clamped the tip with round-nosed pliers, twist them in opposite directions. Simple Butterfly-2

Butterfly cabbage

This wonderful accessory also needs to startweave from the tail and finish with antennae. Yellow wings do each separately, starting from the far tip. All the other nuances of the weave are well illustrated by the scheme. If the antennae from the tubes you seem heavy, you can make them from the same wire, like a simple butterfly. From this cabbage you will get an original beautiful brooch or pendant. Butterfly cabbage


EmbroideryThe photo shows a scheme by which anyThe skilled worker can embroider a miracle butterfly on a handbag, jacket or jeans. To do this you will need beads of three colors: silver, blue and black. It will be interesting to look, if a flat beauty will have a real spiral twirled antennae!

